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Back to work in a week - strongly towel dry (or blow dry) hair

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  • Senior Member

I will be going back to work in a week from tomorrow (3 weeks from procedure). I did not shave my head and, therefore, have some hair that can cover up any redness or hairs left from the surgery. The best way I can do that though, is to strongly towel dry(or maybe blow dry) my head. Is three weeks too soon to either strongly towel dry or blow dry.


I did a search on the topic and did not see a great deal of information on it.


Thanks in advance.

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I just had my HT on November 14th and I was coaching my son's football game the next day. The procedure was awesome not me. On Nov. 21st I had Dr. Cooley's assistant Amy do the post-op scalp cleaning and at that time she and Dr. Cooley said you have not lost any of the 4516 grafts and you can treat it at your normal not transplanted hair. But, which I started doing yesterday but I guess I am a little softer than normal with the towel dry because mental I do not want to get to rough with the new grafts. I to want back to work quickly within one week. Dr. Cooley in Charlotte does AN awesome job and you DO NOT have to shave and that allows the patient to get back to work quicker and it also hides the little stubble grafts.


In the end I would call your HT Dr. on his cell. That is what Dr. Cooley told me to do if I needed anything and I bet your doctor wouldn't mind you doing the same because you just spend a couple coins on this procedure.


Good luck!

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  • Senior Member

Thanks TonySC. I appreciate your detailed response. I do know what Dr. Bernstein's thinking is---at the end of two weeks, you may return to normal shampooing, brushing and combing and may get haircuts. I was interested in other points of view because, like you, even though you were told you can treat your transplanted as normal, you still are softer with the towel dry. But is that really necessary, particularly at three weeks.


Would appreciate hearing from others on this?

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  • Senior Member

Thanks Eman(k). Appreciate the information. I am hopeful in a week things will be looking pretty OK. I am thinking I may get a couple looks, perhaps, but not to the point where anyone will ask any questions (except maybe my boss) who I will spend a majority of my time with when I return to work.

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