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Dr. Glenn Charles Results? Anyone?

Guest goinhairy

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Guest goinhairy

Anyone who has had Dr. Glenn Charles do your HT, Please update with how you are doing, the donor scar, the insertion sites, etc.

I've found a number of people who have posted right after the procedure, but not any later (4-6mo.). I am scheduling with him for a HT.

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Guest goinhairy

Anyone who has had Dr. Glenn Charles do your HT, Please update with how you are doing, the donor scar, the insertion sites, etc.

I've found a number of people who have posted right after the procedure, but not any later (4-6mo.). I am scheduling with him for a HT.

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I've had my first HT also with Dr Charles about a month ago.I have experienced a lot of my existing hair fall out as well as most of the grafts at one month post up.


I myself will also like to see some pictures 4-6 months post up of the work performed by Dr Charles.

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I had ht done by Dr. Charles Glenn on July 8. I was a NW 3 with a lot of thinning hair on top. I also lost a lot of my natural hair during the first month. People at the office asked what happened to my hair and I responded that I had a bad reaction to a medicine. Its being three months and I look much better, a lot of fuzzy hair. Most of my of natural hair is coming back plus the transplanted hair is growing everywhere. I am looking forward to December where the results are going to be more noticeable. I choose Dr. Charles because he is well recommended and he also associated with Dr. Shapiro which is of the top ht Dr.

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Do you have any photos of before and after the ht. I also had my ht with dr charles in august and is playing the waiting game.It sounds pretty interesting that the hair shed or supposedly lost is returning!.Tell me more since I had shedding at the top and has count it lost.

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I don't have any before or after photos. But from what I have read in this forum is that each person might react different. My first 2 1/2 months were hell because I didn't expect to loose that much hair due to shock fall out. I was anxious and depressed but time went by. It's been 3 1/2 months and I am very please with the results so far. I am looking forward to month number 6. I did ask the DR. about shock fall out before ht and he said that the weak hair that was in the last stage of falling will not come back. But between 80 to 90% of the healthy hair will come back. What % of my healthy came back is hard to say. All I know is that my head is cover with hair. Be patient I know those first three months are tough.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I was very concerned because I really lost alot of my own hair especially in the crown area. It's almost 6 weeks now from my procedure and my hair is starting to come back in my crown. I had a big bald spot shortly after my procedure, but in the past week my hair is starting to come back. Am I lucky for this to happen this quickly or is it normal.




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It's really to soon to see the final outcome, but my experience with Dr. Charles and his friendly staff was better than I could have imagined. This morning I was looking at my frontal scalp where I had 1784 FU'S and I could see some hair's coming in already just 6 weeks later. My experience was incredible, I did not feel any pain whatsoever just minor discomfort amd some itching and no sweeling. If I need a second procedure I would not hesitate to go back to Dr. charles.




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I was just checking to see if a link I had posted a while back was still here and I came across your post regarding Dr. Charles. I had HT done (hairline)on June 28, 2001 by Dr Charles and the results still amaze me. It doesn't matter if I comb it straight back or part it on the side, it looks great. The first hair that grew in was frizzy so about six months ago I shaved it with a number 2 to get rid of the split ends. Even with it that short the donar 'scar' was totally undetectable and the hairline looked awesome. Now it is grown back healhtier than ever with no frizz. For those of you with curly hair (like me) don't worry. Before my HT I was a little concerned that the hairs might curl every which way, but they don't. In fact I used to have cow licks on both sides of my head - not anymore- just a perfect wave of (transplanted) hair. I hope everyone has as good an experience as I have and congrats to all who have done it especially those who have had older jobs repaired.

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Well, I had my transplant with Dr. Charles done on Nov. 8th, 2002 and I can honestly say that he and the Shapiro Medical staff made me feel 1000% comfortable. They were so polite and friendly that it made me not feel embarrassed anymore. Even though I needed basically a reshaping of my frontal hairline, not a complete hair transplant, they went out of their way to make me feel like I wasn't a reject. I told them to go ahead and do as many as they could while I was there anyhow, they put me on a 1500 package to be safe and said if it went over, it was on them! That was very nice of them!


As for hair falling out, it's been 2 weeks for me and I am not losing any more hair from the shock of the procedure, I lost some but not that much. I don't know if more will come out or not, but they all seem to be pretty solid at this point. it looks as if some of the transplants have come out already, and I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen or not before they start to grow again.


I'm still a little nervous as to how many months it will take for the hair to start growing in completely. All my surgical implants (1947 I believe) healed within 10 days, no scabs left or anything, and when I had my doctor take out the sutures, they commented upon how nicely the stitches were put in. In fact, the exact comment was, "This is a beautifully done suture job."


So, I know the result time varies for people, and I can't wait to see how long it takes my results to show! I'm just hoping that my strong hair that fell out from shock comes back, that makes me a bit nervous, it's not good to see it go! Know what I mean!!


But, anyhow, if I ever needed another procedure, you bet your ass I would go back to Dr. Charles in a heartbeat.


And I was impressed that Dr. Shapiro would keep coming in and checking up on me every 20 minutes or so, that level of customer attention is a definite mark of the professionalism and skills of the Shapiro Medical Group!

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I'm also very greatfull to Dr. Charles 7 weeks later and I'm sprouting through most of my frontal scalp. I'm thrilled and can't wait until it all comes in.


Thank you Dr. Charles and your staff




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  • 1 year later...
Guest HelpNeedHair

Can anyone tell me if they are either satisfied or unsatisfied with Dr. Charles?

I haven't seen any updates nor read any positive posts lately.

Has anyone had poor results?

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