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Is this male pattern baldness?


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I am 26 years old and my hair started thinning 4 years back, I never thought that I would go bald. One month back I realized how serious the problem is and started researching hair loss and found this great forum. I have attached my pictures with this post, what I want to know is if it is a typical male pattern baldness. I have been using rogaine for the past one week, and I have a doctor appoint in 3 weeks, I am planning on using propecia.


I want to know from you gurus, from my pictures is this typical MPB and if it is MPB? What is NW scale?


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It looks like the great beast has afflicted yet another; somewhat difficult to say for me from your hairstyle in the front picture, but I would classify you as a NW3.


You have caught it fairly early, though, and getting on the best treatments (rogaine foam 5%, propecia...revita shampoo if you want to cover every possible angle) is really going to boost your chances of taming your hairloss.


As you may or may not know, the treatments work best in the crown, and you seem like a good candidate to be able to respond great to them -- time will tell. Just make sure to stay on them for a while, and ride out any "shed" (basically it might look worse for a couple months before hair comes back stronger, which is actually a positive sign that you are responding).


Again, you've caught it fairly early, are going to get on the best treatments, and through the research you have done and will do will be putting yourself in a great spot. Give the treatments a year, and document your progress would be my advice.


If the loss is really hurting you try a concealer like dermmatch or toppik (or both) and see if it is for you; if not, nothing lost but a few bucks.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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