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can anyone recommend a eyebrow restoration surgeon in LA?

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My 15 years old son injury his left eyebrow on a basketball game 2 months ago, leaving a 6cm long scar in the middle of the eyebrow.


I tried to contact a couple of prominent HT specialists, but they all asked for $3000-$5000 for 100-125 follicles. I know it's more difficult to do eyebrow then regular HT, but do people know any good physicians that can do the procedure either in LA or in other part of country?


Anyone heard of Marc Dauer? Will Rassman?


Thanks you all for helping out

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  • Regular Member

My 15 years old son injury his left eyebrow on a basketball game 2 months ago, leaving a 6cm long scar in the middle of the eyebrow.


I tried to contact a couple of prominent HT specialists, but they all asked for $3000-$5000 for 100-125 follicles. I know it's more difficult to do eyebrow then regular HT, but do people know any good physicians that can do the procedure either in LA or in other part of country?


Anyone heard of Marc Dauer? Will Rassman?


Thanks you all for helping out

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  • 1 month later...
Guest eyebrow

I really want to hear from someone that eyebrow transplants on a woman can look natural and pretty! I know there are a number of doctors who list that as a specialty but how do I choose one among that group? I am very unhappy with damage to the tops of my brows and would gladly spend the money and have to trim them if I could look like myself again.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

Sara Wasserbauer is in Ca. and Paul McAndrews is in Ca. I don't know if their work is any good though. I thought Dr.Jeff Epstein was good too and he isn't. Don't believe everything you read. I would not do it again. If it is just damage to the tops of your brow, then consider permanent makeup there. Once they start implanting hairs in surgery, you may lose your natural hair like I did. I would say don't do it. It was the worst decision of my life. And it is a big pain to trim all the time.

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I am sorry that you are not satisfied with your procedure.


Though I can certainly empathize with you, digging up old threads to warn people not to go to Dr. Epstein looks bad.


Have you contacted Dr. Epstein about your dissatisfaction? If not, I encourage you to do so directly. However, if you feel that posting your story publicly is more appropriate, you are welcome to do so. I encourage you to start your own thread and share your experience rather than posting on old threads and we will do our best to help you.


However, it is only fair that Dr. Epstein be notified so he is able to share his side of the story. Because of this, I have notified Dr. Epstein of this thread so he can respond.


That being said, Felicity, Dr. Epstein is bound by patient confidentiality. He will need your permission to discuss your case openly (without revealing your name). In order to remain fair, I encourage you to give him permission to discuss your case (without revealing your identify). You can contact him directly or feel free to PM me.


I believe that Dr. Epstein performs state of the art hair transplantation. Those who use the "find" feature of this community will find many outstanding reviews and testimonies to his work. However, I am sorry to hear of your disappointment. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.


Best wishes,



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Thank you so very much for replying! I'm not actually near LA but I received your response. Can I ask a couple of more questions... Did Dr. Epstein do yours? How extensive was your restoration? How often do you have to trim? Did you have natural hairs near the implant sites that fell out from the surgery and didn't regrow? What is your biggest dissapointment that makes you regret the decision?


Sorry to be so nosey but you're the first person I've heard from that hasn't been a "testimonial" for a doctor.


I so apreciate any info you'll share with me. Thank you again!

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