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the thread about bht/scientist


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I cant seem to locate the thread started by scientist8041 about his bht experience.

Can someone point it out to me?

Bad plug grafts from Mumbai.

Undergoing repair HT from Dr. Arvind, New Delhi.

2500 FU grafts + 35 chest hair grafts in June 05.

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Yes, I deleted this post because it had a link to a site that blantantly promoted Dr. Poswal.


Frankly, I don't care for the way that some people troll the forums covertly working for their doctors, especially when the doctor they are promoting was caught using other doctor's photos on his site.


For those that want the details regarding the unauthorized use of photos, click here.


As you can see from this topic I was deceived like many others until someone blew the whistle. I don't like being misled or seeing people on this forum misled by unethical marketing.


Any one trolling and doing covert marketing for a doctor can get the Hell off of this forum before I kick them off. I'm tired of it.

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You are well within your rights to point out the use of other doctor's pictures by Dr, A's web designer.

The blog the poster scientist had created, however, may be very useful to many patients desirous of researching the field of bodyhair transplants.

Here is a case where even the poster and the clinic do not know beforehand, what the final results may look like. I think scientist's thread deserved to remain.

I also know that this is your website, so you have the final say.

Bad plug grafts from Mumbai.

Undergoing repair HT from Dr. Arvind, New Delhi.

2500 FU grafts + 35 chest hair grafts in June 05.

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Hi everybody


New poster on this hairpinbendful rollercoaster, I can't help lamenting Dr AP's lambasting and banning on the assumption he missused another clinic's patients pictures when getting started on his website.


It's all fair and fancy to emphasize integrity as part and parcel of a hair surgeon suitability for recommandation, yet, being a pragmatist rather than the eager herald of a lincolnian ideal, may I ask you to consider the following :


How come the same "coalition surgeon" who questionned Dr Poswal web illiteracy, implying nonchalence on his part, when asked about "coverage and density" on his resident interview clip simply ignores the "density" issue, limiting his answer to the "coverage" part ? Is he dodging the subject, knowing potential patients won't like what they hear ? (bht not being mainstream when the clips were made)


I believe there is no deceitfulness intended in this "lapse", still, we're not exactly going the straight path there, are we ?


Another case of seeing the moth in the brother's eye... a little discrepancy that can speak volumes about a two-way policy ! I don't think it's fair.


To make it worse, it's funny how hastily the most impartial mind can fall prey to biases against a surgeon he decides has a dubious precedent : hence the banning of a post documenting a bht megasession at Poswal's, tagged as "blantantly promotive"!


Too bad. Perhaps there was something we could all have learnt from it, stainless censors included.



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Norwood Forward,


Well, welcome to the forums! I see you have made yourself comfortable. Please allow me to address your concerns.


Pat invited Dr. Poswal to join the ranks of the Coalition on the physician's skill, results, and ethics like all physicians that are invited to join. When the issue of the photographs on the website came to his attention and Pat investigated the issue, he promptly removed Dr. Poswal from the Coalition. There are no backdoor politics. There are no hidden agendas. The Coalition exists solely to provide a reference of prescreened physicians that the Hair Transplant Network stands behind and we are able to say, "Yes, we have verified that these physicians do great work and are ethical in their practice." There was not sufficient evidence to believe that the photographs were not, indeed, placed on the website without his knowledge and his response did nothing to clarify the issue.


So, in keeping with the mission of the foundation of the Coalition, Dr. Poswal was removed for the benefit of the patient. That's the story. That's it. The Hair Transplant Network, in good conscious, cannot recommend a physician that we are not positive maintains a high level of ethics as well as skill in their practice.


Your point about the physician interview in question was irrelevant. I truly do not believe that any physician was "dodging" the question in any of the physician interviews. At worst, it was an oversight.


I hope that this helps to clear up the issue for you.





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Originally posted by Forum Moderator and Satisfied Patient:

Your point about the physician interview in question was irrelevant. I truly do not believe that any physician was "dodging" the question in any of the physician interviews. At worst, it was an oversight.





Its an "oversight" when one physician forgets to mention the density v/s coverage, knowing full well that the prospective patient's concern is both, but it is "highcrime" when another physician pleads inadvertant use of pictures by webdisgner?

Moreover, the pictures were removed long back.


There are many hair transplant doctors, who duck around the density issue even today.

All you need to do is to check out the graft estimate charts on their websites.


I do not say that all those ht doctors are unethical. But I do feel that the reasons forwarded to ban Dr. A, in my opinion, were not sufficient.

Bad plug grafts from Mumbai.

Undergoing repair HT from Dr. Arvind, New Delhi.

2500 FU grafts + 35 chest hair grafts in June 05.

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Originally posted by Forum Moderator and Satisfied Patient:

Hair Transplant Network stands behind and we are able to say, "Yes, we have verified that these physicians do great work and are ethical in their practice."



When it comes to being ethical in practice, I think it is about being ethical in treating one's patients.

Dr. Arvind has been performing hair transplants for the past 9-10 years.

If he were unethical, we would have had a spate of cheated/disfigured patients on the forums.

I do not see nor have heard of any.

All I have met and read about are people who vouch for his integrity and level of comittment.


I think that should speak for itself.

Bad plug grafts from Mumbai.

Undergoing repair HT from Dr. Arvind, New Delhi.

2500 FU grafts + 35 chest hair grafts in June 05.

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Originally posted by underrepair:



When it comes to being ethical in practice, I think it is about being ethical in treating one's patients.

Dr. Arvind has been performing hair transplants for the past 9-10 years.

If he were unethical, we would have had a spate of cheated/disfigured patients on the forums.

I do not see nor have heard of any.

All I have met and read about are people who vouch for his integrity and level of comittment.


I think that should speak for itself.


That is your opinion and you cerainly have a right to it. icon_smile.gif However, the Hair Transplant Network has chosen not to recommend Dr. Poswal as a result of the photographs.


If you feel that you got a great result, then by all means, speak out about it and let other hair loss sufferers know so they can make their own informed decisions. Noone (that I know of) has questioned Dr. Poswal's skill as a physician.





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Originally posted by Forum Moderator and Satisfied Patient:

However, the Hair Transplant Network has chosen not to recommend Dr. Poswal as a result of the photographs.



Thanks for permitting me to post my experiences.

However, going by your own yardsticks, it seems strange to me that you recommend a clinic that does, in my veiw, a substandard hair transplant.


If you really should be banning anyone, it should be doctors who perform such transplants. Instead of banning doctors like Dr. A .


Check the pictures for yourself. The person is supposed to have received 3000 FU grafts.


Which ethical clinic would transplant a 3 hair graft in the hairline. Right in the front.

The Beverly hill based clinic surely made sure that it skirted the density issue in this patient.

I do not think it was just an "oversight".


This clinic, if any, does not deserve to be recommended. Based on merit. But it is recommended on HTN. May I ask why?


[photos removed by forum moderator for reasons cited below - Robert]

Bad plug grafts from Mumbai.

Undergoing repair HT from Dr. Arvind, New Delhi.

2500 FU grafts + 35 chest hair grafts in June 05.

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Attempting to denigrate other surgeons will not justify Dr. Poswal's use of another clinic's patient photos. There are plenty of outstanding surgeons around the world doing great work who have their own patients photos to present publicly. We do not need to promote a clinic on this site that would take another clinic's patients results and presesnt them as their own.


How can such a clinic ever be trusted? As they say, a zebra does not change its stripes.


As for who we recommend on this site, we are very serious about maintainting high quality standards. All physicians who are recommended are first prescreened. However, in the rare event that their work does not measure up over time they have been promptly removed.


If you have evidence that a particular doctor/clinic is doing subpare work then name the name. If that clinic is recommended on this site I will then require them to answer for the work and if the answer is not adequate they will be promptly removed.


So how is it that you happen to have patient photos from work done by another doctor? Did Dr. Poswal supply the above photos to you?

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I respect the information that this site has given me all these years. It has been invaluable to me.


I have no problem as far as you decide not to recommend Dr. A.

Its your site and you have every right to it.


I do not wish to downplay other clinics either.



But it does rub me the wrong way when doctors/clinics who do subpar work (my opinion), take a high and holier than thou attitude.


I came to know of the pictures when I read up a thread on another site.

[link to promotional site removed by forum moderator - Robert]


All that apart, my issue was that the poster scientist had at no time in his post or on his blog, "blatantly" promoted Dr. A.


P.S.- You are owner of a respected international site. Comments like "a zebra does not change its stripes" do not befit you.

Bad plug grafts from Mumbai.

Undergoing repair HT from Dr. Arvind, New Delhi.

2500 FU grafts + 35 chest hair grafts in June 05.

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This pretty much tells who the clinic was that did this work.

I know you will do the right thing and tell us the reasons for this subpar work.


Curious Tue Jun-07-05 12:53 AM

Member since Jul 21st 2003

133 posts


#24937, "RE: A Repair using body hair"

In response to Reply # 8





The work done by that well known clinic in Beverly Hills doesn't look too good. The director of that clinic, the recipient of the platinum follicle award, is not reluctant to criticize other doctors. I would like to hear his explanation of this result. Four surgeries to achieve this?

Bad plug grafts from Mumbai.

Undergoing repair HT from Dr. Arvind, New Delhi.

2500 FU grafts + 35 chest hair grafts in June 05.

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You said that you, "respect the information that this site has given me all these years. It has been invaluable to me." yet you hang this patient's photos over our heads and refuse to name the physician that conducted the work even after Pat asked you to do so in order for us to be able to have the physician comment on it. How, then, are you being fair? Either name the physician responsible for the work so that he/she can answer for it, or I will take the photos down and lock this thread.


I can understand that you are upset that your physician is no longer listed on the Hair Transplant Network for the reasons cited here and here, however any reasonable person will agree that one physician utilizing not only photos but also copyrighted content from another physicians website and only taking it down when threatened with legal action is hardly ethical.


Once again, either name the physician so that appropriate action can be taken or the photos will be taken down and this thread will be locked.





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I have no intention of holding pictures over anyone's heads. Least of all yours.

If my pointing them out has disturbed you in any way, then I apologise.

What I gather from the thread where the pictures were posted, the clinic that did the work was situated in Beverly hills and its director was the recipient of the platinum follicle award.

I do not think it should be very difficult to figure from the information, who the operating clinic was.


It would not be right on my part, as a poster to go about accusing doctors.

You will be in a better position to inquire from the clinic concerned.

Bad plug grafts from Mumbai.

Undergoing repair HT from Dr. Arvind, New Delhi.

2500 FU grafts + 35 chest hair grafts in June 05.

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You said,


Originally posted by underrepair:



It would not be right on my part, as a poster to go about accusing doctors.

You will be in a better position to inquire from the clinic concerned.


But that is exactly what you have done. At the same time, other shills have shown up in this and other threads to challenge the decision made by Pat.


I am locking this thread because it is serving no purpose. Furthermore, I have doubts of your own credibility as simply a concerned, benevolent poster. Your refusal to name the physician in question when repeatedly asked, your lack of participation in any thread except ones that pertain to Dr. Poswal, and your inability to accept the decision even after further evidence has been disclosed (Dr. Rassman's remarks) have left me questioning your authenticity.





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