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Hair cut post op


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I am 5 days post of from 1700 to the midscalp and hair line. I had a decent amount of hair pre op, enough where it covers up most the scabs. My question... I want to buzz my whole head (top included) to match the length of the newly transplanted hairs. When is this safe to do?

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I am 5 days post of from 1700 to the midscalp and hair line. I had a decent amount of hair pre op, enough where it covers up most the scabs. My question... I want to buzz my whole head (top included) to match the length of the newly transplanted hairs. When is this safe to do?

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  • Senior Member

Morenewhair, do not cut your hair. Eventually you will lose those transplanted hair. I feel you have a perfect situation, where your native hair can cover the transplanted. Wait two months and decide. Once you cut it, thats it. So take your time...........

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thing is, i dont want anyone to notice, and if a lady friend of mine were to touch my hair, i'd have 1700 small grafts under a bunch of long native hair.. not normal. i think i'd rather shave it all down to even out. what do you think?

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I did exactly the same thing. I shaved my entire head, top and sides to match after my HT. Of course, my recipient area was already shaved after my third HT so I didn't have to touch the top.


Blowdry is right that you should consider the fact that your transplanted hairs will shed between 2-4 weeks.


Additionally if you do decide to shave your head, wait at least 10 days or whenever all of the scabs are gone, whichever comes last.


Best wishes,



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