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How do I know if I am a good candidate for an HT?

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I'm not interested in reading through Tons of Time consuming threads. I'M waiting on this information to see a professional so I will be prepared for this PROCESS.


How do I know if I'm a GOOD or BAD CANDIDATE?

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  • Senior Member

No straight answer to this but I'll make it as short and concise as I can so as not to lecture you!


Firstly the amount of hairloss you have. If you have a Norwood 7 balding pattern (pretty much all the hair on your scalp and a lot of the back and sides gone) chances are you're not the best candidate. That's not to say you definitely can't have an HT but the larger your balding area the smaller your potential donor area and the larger surface it needs to cover.


Hair density and donor availability. If you have thick hair and lots of it generally that's better than not having those things. Scalp laxity also plays a role. If you have a tight scalp it's harder to do HT strip surgery (certainly multiple procedures). There are some exercises you can do to maximise your laxity however.


Your goals. If you want to have hair as thick and dense as Taylor Lautner and you're a Norwood 6 with average density/availability, it's very very unlikely to happen. HT can deliver some amazing transformations and undetectable results but you have to be realistic about what you want. About the best a Norwood 4-6 can hope for is changing their hairline back to a N2/3 and restoring around 40-60% of their density. This can still look brilliant but it won't be a full head of hair. Your HT surgeon will want you to be clear and understanding about your goals versus the reality of the situation.


Those are some of the most important things though clearly not all of them. Generally speaking anybody who is pretty fit and well with realistic goals and a suitable amount of donor hair for their goals can have HT surgery.


However, to end on a realistic note, this thread won't ultimately answer your question, just point you in the right direction. Only a professional will be able to give you a totally realistic assessment and tell you whether a procedure will be worth it.

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  • Regular Member

Thank you, I am a norwood 3 maybe going on 4 I'm not sure. My pattern is skinny then widens in the front. Started at the crown then diffused. It's pretty embarrasing and ugly. I am not sure what proffesional I should talk to in person. Should I just call some where any where and make an appointment?

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  • Senior Member

You didn't mention your age. On top of Mahhong's excellent reply, I would add the age factor. If you're losing hair at a younger age, and it's progressing quite fast, then this could mean you're less than an ideal candidate.

Hairloss is unpredictable, with some men continuing to lose hair at a steady rate until they are a NW6 or 7, while others might lose a bit, be given a reprieve for a number of years, and then have the process pick up again. Of course the medications, propecia especially, can really help slow down this loss or put a halt to it (at least for a while.)


Sometimes if you suspect that you might one day progress to a higher Norwood number, it's best to not be too greedy. It's possible to use grafts sparingly to create an overall more pleasing look without dropping the hairline down too low.


Do you have any photos to share?

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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