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Shock Loss


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I have been reading what many of you have posted on shock loss - what I am defining as loss of non-transplanted hair after surgery. I am not your typical candidate for HT. I am a 25 year old female who had 750 grafts transplanted to an area of patchy hair loss that was lost 14 years ago. The graft hairs shed after just two weeks, which my doctor predicted. Now, I am quite frightened as I have noticed shock loss close to the graft area during week 7. I currently have less hair that I did before the surgery. Shock loss seems to happen to some of us and is not completely understood. I do not think that I believe in the theory that these hairs would have been otherwise lost because I have not experienced hair loss in 14 years. I will start using Minox tomorrow and will hope for the best! I welcome and further thoughts or theories on shock loss.

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I have been reading what many of you have posted on shock loss - what I am defining as loss of non-transplanted hair after surgery. I am not your typical candidate for HT. I am a 25 year old female who had 750 grafts transplanted to an area of patchy hair loss that was lost 14 years ago. The graft hairs shed after just two weeks, which my doctor predicted. Now, I am quite frightened as I have noticed shock loss close to the graft area during week 7. I currently have less hair that I did before the surgery. Shock loss seems to happen to some of us and is not completely understood. I do not think that I believe in the theory that these hairs would have been otherwise lost because I have not experienced hair loss in 14 years. I will start using Minox tomorrow and will hope for the best! I welcome and further thoughts or theories on shock loss.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by jules:

I have been reading what many of you have posted on shock loss - what I am defining as loss of non-transplanted hair after surgery. I am not your typical candidate for HT. I am a 25 year old female who had 750 grafts transplanted to an area of patchy hair loss that was lost 14 years ago. The graft hairs shed after just two weeks, which my doctor predicted. Now, I am quite frightened as I have noticed shock loss close to the graft area during week 7. I currently have less hair that I did before the surgery. Shock loss seems to happen to some of us and is not completely understood. I do not think that I believe in the theory that these hairs would have been otherwise lost because I have not experienced hair loss in 14 years. I will start using Minox tomorrow and will hope for the best! I welcome and further thoughts or theories on shock loss.


Too early to panic....hold tight! We all go through the 'less hair now than before' moment. it will be at least another 7 weeks before you start to see the benefits. Use a Concealer like dermmatch while you wade it out.

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I spoke with Matt from Dr. Shapiro's office this evening and we discussed shock-loss. ( a major concern of mine)


When grafts are transplanted into areas of existing hair there is the risk of shock loss. The more dense the area that is being grafted into,and the greater the number of grafts implanted into areas of existing hair, the greater the risk of suffering from shock loss.The talent and touch of the surgeon also has an impact on the liklihood and degree of loss.


Matt informed me that about 20% of DR. Shapiro's patients suffer some degree of shock loss. In that 20%, 80% of the hair that sheds does grow back.

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set your worries aside... Everything sounds good and normal.


What you are experiancing should be temporary shock loss. This is due to the trauma caused to the surrounding areas of the transplanted area.


You are correct that there is no definetive explaination. In most cases, if the hairs surrounding are not DHT receptors, then they will come back. You probably won't be able to get any good judgement what is going on, until 3 months in.


JUST BE PATIENT!! And I as well as many others, wish you luck!! Keep us posted!

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jules, I have to agree with the others. This is fairly normal and they should grow back soon. You are just in the wait and see mode and it's kind of like watching grass grow. Really hard to see it on a daily basis. I am just completing 5 full months post op and I'm really starting to see the effects. Just be patient, even though I know thats hard to do.

Best of luck.

Nashville Kat.

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