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Any good docs in Japan?

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  • Senior Member

Are you in Japan? (or just curious).


If you are in an area where there are no doctors listed, then you have to make some extra effort.


I strongly recommend that guys do enough research that they actually "become their own expert". This way, you can know what to look for, what to watch out for, what are the "hard" questions to ask, and so on. There are hundreds of unknown doctors doing hair transplants, and the best way to avoid a problem is to do extensive research about state-of-the-art approaches. That way you can sift through the average doctors, and find the ones who excel.


Education is the best way to protect yourself, and it raises your odds that you will be satisfied later. New guys are encouraged to spend the time reading up, and should dig deep.

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  • Senior Member

Arfy is right on when he refers to someone becoming their own expert. Here are some suggestions to get started if/when you find yourself in the position of selecting a hair restoration physician. These suggestions will serve you well whether in the U.S. or Japan, whether the physician is recommended or not recommended.


<LI>Does the physician take a holistic approach to hair restoration? Your physician should help you evaluate all your options, surgical and non surgical.


<LI>Have they made the investment in time and resources to do large sessions of micro follicular unit hair transplantation? Doing outstanding work requires a staff dedicated and trained to use high-powered magnification with the capability of producing more than 2,000 carefully trimmed grafts per surgical session.


<LI>Choose a hair restoration clinic that is patient focused rather than commercially focused. Some clinics emphasize revenue, speed and volume rather than dedicating the time and individual care needed to produce optimal results. These commercial operations typically rely on heavy advertising rather than satisfied patient or doctor referrals.


<LI>Is hair restoration the primary focus of their practice? Outstanding results require a physician and a full staff who perform hair restoration surgery on a regular basis. Doing hair restoration as a sideline, along with other cosmetic procedures, may hinder their ability to do large sessions of highly refined follicular unit transplantation.


<LI>How many patients has this physician produced excellent results for? Like any skill, experience over time is critical to acquiring the skill and judgment required to produce excellent results.


<LI>Can the physician provide at least a dozen sets of detailed patient before and after photographs? Do they also have patients who are willing to speak with you and meet with you in person?


Tips on consulting surgical hair restoration physicians





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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