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1000 FU Transplant

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I'm curious what other people think about an FU transplant between 500 and 1000. I'm starting to think that the benefit is not worth the cost (i.e. the scar effect/the likely need for a future HT). On the other hand, if it will make a person happy and a doctor thinks that is all that is needed then why not.


I bring this up because I've had two HT's of 100 FU in the past (200 total), and I definitely think there is no worthwhile benefit. In hindsight, I would've never done it, and I would've had $6,000 in my pocket. I've been slowly receeding since 18, and I'm 36 now. I keep thinking I should wait until I need a 2000 FU, but what if that is in another 18 years. I'm pretty miserable with the hairline look right now, and I'm also aware that having started HT's (even though on a small scale), I'm now a lifer.


Just looking for some thoughts.


Good luck,


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  • Senior Member

I'm curious what other people think about an FU transplant between 500 and 1000. I'm starting to think that the benefit is not worth the cost (i.e. the scar effect/the likely need for a future HT). On the other hand, if it will make a person happy and a doctor thinks that is all that is needed then why not.


I bring this up because I've had two HT's of 100 FU in the past (200 total), and I definitely think there is no worthwhile benefit. In hindsight, I would've never done it, and I would've had $6,000 in my pocket. I've been slowly receeding since 18, and I'm 36 now. I keep thinking I should wait until I need a 2000 FU, but what if that is in another 18 years. I'm pretty miserable with the hairline look right now, and I'm also aware that having started HT's (even though on a small scale), I'm now a lifer.


Just looking for some thoughts.


Good luck,


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I agree with Manko's assessment that little sessions of 100 grafts are NOT worth doing. Don't get a HT unless you really really need one. What you want is called a "stand-alone" procedure, meaning it will always look good even if all your other hair is lost, and even if you never get any more surgeries.


It's hard to give very specific advice to a fellow like you (Manko) without knowing more details or having pics. I do have some general advice though.


What you might want to do is go on some "investigational" consultations. Go meet some doctors and pick their brains. See what kind of recommdations you get, from the doctors who seem like they could be considered one of the best. Collect some opinions, ask some questions and make some notes. Then give yourself some time to think about your various options.


Yes, I suppose a thousand graft session can be worth doing, although you could also easily do many more grafts than that. 1000 grafts is not considered a big session by the doctors who specialize in high-end work. Certainly more worthwhile than a hundred. The benefits of a HT are supposed to last, not be something you need to keep touching up every few years. Whatever you decide to do, make it a decision you will still be happy about years from now,


Care to name the doctor who does 100 graft surgeries? That is not good.

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Thanks for the feedback. I won't name the doctor who did the 100 graft surgeries because he no longer does transplants. The only things I could criticize him for would be that he seemed to be averse to doing larger sessions, and he was doing minis/micros. But to his credit he did make a professional choice to leave the field instead of staying in it and luring in unwitting customers. I understand that he is now the head of the medical school for a large college in the midwest.


I had a photo consult with a highly recommended doctor on this website, and he felt that I could use 1000 max. I was slightly disappointed, because I am reluctant to go into the donor supply for such a small session, but on the other hand I don't really feel like waiting for my hairline to deplete. Especially since, like I had mentioned it took 18 years (from first signs of loss at 18 to now at 36) to get to where I'm at now. I don't want to wait another 18 just so that I can have a 2000 graft session.


It's a tough decision, but I think I'm going to go for the hopefully 1000 FU session.


Any thoughts are always appreciated.




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