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hey any of you guys have tried the homeopathy medicine in curing hair loss??i heard it works great and produces decent results as homeopathy by nature doesn't give any side affects!any takes on this or has anyone experienced this type of mdeicine..post ur views!

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  • Regular Member

hey any of you guys have tried the homeopathy medicine in curing hair loss??i heard it works great and produces decent results as homeopathy by nature doesn't give any side affects!any takes on this or has anyone experienced this type of mdeicine..post ur views!

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Guest HLBD
homeopathy by nature doesn't give any side affects


Mobius, this is a commonly held and widely accepted fallacy. If you put anything in your body, even if "found in nature" that doesn't occur naturally in the body (even if it is simply at a greater quantity), you risk the chance of side effects. About the only vitamin you can take in major excess without any harmful side effects is Vitamin C. Your body is able to simply absorb the amount of the vitamin it can use and expel the rest - this is why you can take an excess, even 1000% of your daily allowance without causing any harm.


Iron deficiency is the most common mineral deficiency in the developed world and Iron poisoning is one of the most common deaths caused by over-supplementation. Even though it's "from the Earth", too much iron can cause a side effect of HAIR LOSS and can easily cause death - this is because your body finds it very difficult, if not impossible to expel excessive amounts of heavy minerals from your blood. In fact, one of the most common side effects of ingesting of "natural remedies" is liver damage from the body attempting to expel poisons and excess minerals.


If you knew a little about homeopathy, you'd know that the logic behind homeopathy is to basically poison the body in a very small amount to produce similar symptoms to the disease. One of the most dangerous practices in homeopathy is using excrement and byproducts of diseased animals in "remedies". No doubt, early practitioners of homeopathy caused more harm than they prevented with this course of "treatment."


Now, that's not to say homeopathy has not been correct in some assumptions - it's through homeopathy that scientists discovered nitroglycerin as a treatment for angina. Still, as my grandfather once told me when teaching me how to fire a rifle, "if you shoot one hundred bullets at a non-moving target, you'll have to try harder not to hit it at all then have one or more bullets meet their mark."


The only reason why homeopathy has remained so prevalent is because of its immense popularity in the 1700s and 1800s, when most mainstream therapies including bloodletting, leaches and starvation and had a high fatality rate. Homeopathy, while mostly ineffective, was unlikely to cause (at least as swift) death as these mainstream treatments and so it was considered a good option.

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