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advice needed...

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Hi, i've been reading this forum for a while now and I think it's great how all of you are sharing all of your views.

I just thought i'd share my problem too...im from the UK, im only 19 and the hair on the top if my head is extremely thin...the hair has recessed a little at the temples area..the sides have also thinned a little..I'm just concerned because of ma age and how my hair has jus started to thin and doesn't appear to be growing back...when light shines on my head you can see how thin the hair is on top...i don't know if this is genetic but my father, grandfather, uncles, etc have all lost the hair on top of their head and it's a safe bet that i will probably end up the same eventually...and if it is then i know it wil get worse later on probably when i'm in my twenties..

i know that all of u advise not to get a hair transplant at this age..but i was also planning to do modelling...and because of how thin my hair is it limits me from styling my hair in certain ways...i really just want the density to come back how it was on the top and sides of the head and i also want the recessed hairline to be lowered a little but i dunno what steps i should take..is hair transplant advisable at this age..most of you seem to be against it? i really don't want a scar or want to be scalped...what bout FUE? or Propecia? Is there any regrowth and if you stop taking Propecia will you lose any benefit u gained...?


[This message was edited by londonguy on May 27, 2003 at 06:07 PM.]

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Hi, i've been reading this forum for a while now and I think it's great how all of you are sharing all of your views.

I just thought i'd share my problem too...im from the UK, im only 19 and the hair on the top if my head is extremely thin...the hair has recessed a little at the temples area..the sides have also thinned a little..I'm just concerned because of ma age and how my hair has jus started to thin and doesn't appear to be growing back...when light shines on my head you can see how thin the hair is on top...i don't know if this is genetic but my father, grandfather, uncles, etc have all lost the hair on top of their head and it's a safe bet that i will probably end up the same eventually...and if it is then i know it wil get worse later on probably when i'm in my twenties..

i know that all of u advise not to get a hair transplant at this age..but i was also planning to do modelling...and because of how thin my hair is it limits me from styling my hair in certain ways...i really just want the density to come back how it was on the top and sides of the head and i also want the recessed hairline to be lowered a little but i dunno what steps i should take..is hair transplant advisable at this age..most of you seem to be against it? i really don't want a scar or want to be scalped...what bout FUE? or Propecia? Is there any regrowth and if you stop taking Propecia will you lose any benefit u gained...?


[This message was edited by londonguy on May 27, 2003 at 06:07 PM.]

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I would definitely start on Propecia right away if I were you - that's the safest way to get results.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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yes, it has been proven that propecia grows the hair on top of the head. It is also somewhat effective in the temple area, although not as much. Check Arfy's post in the drugs section of a guy who grew all his hair back after only a year of use. It's a very rare case - but gives you something to think about. You also should see some good results, because you're starting early. Definitely give it a year at least to see some results. Unfortunatelly you will have to continue to take it for the rest of your life (or unless something better comes along). I'm a little older (22 years), but have no problem taking the pill every day - not much work in exchange for the possibility of saving your hair. Also, there are very little side effects if any, and only occur in small percentage of males.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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Yep, you'll have to continue using it forever, otherwise ultimately you'll end up where you would have been if you never started. Not overnight but after some time. There's some testimony on this forum about it's effectiveness being limited to x amount of years, some say 10. I have substantiated that yet with anything official, but that claim is out there. Regardless, hopefully by then something better will be out there.


From what you describe it's probably a good idea to start using if your hair loss concerns you. It's primarily effective at the crown area, but with regards to RETAINING hair, you may respond well from the crown all the way to the frontal region. Don't count on it reversing your recessing hairline. But retaining, or at least significantly slowing it down would be huge.


Good luck to ya.

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I've been taking it for approximately 8 months. I wasn't thinning to begin with, but it's possible that it thickened my hair in the crown area. Again, whether you even remotely consider an HT in the future or not, Propecia should be the first step - and like Arfy says - maybe you won't even need a transplant in the first place.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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