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Question on continued loss

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From my reading, I'm interpreting that since I am already 39 and still have as much hair as I do, I probably won't go all the way to a NW 6 or 7? I know nothing's impossible, but the odds are with me on this right? What are your opinions?


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  • Senior Member

From my reading, I'm interpreting that since I am already 39 and still have as much hair as I do, I probably won't go all the way to a NW 6 or 7? I know nothing's impossible, but the odds are with me on this right? What are your opinions?

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IMO, you are still to early for initiating these procedure(s). It is better to wait until you loose your forelock then re-establish it than to do preventative maintainance and work your way back.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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I disagree Mahair. If he begins preventative medication such as Finasteride, then who is to say that he would ever lose that forlock? In your judgement, you would have had me wait until I was completely bald to proceed.


pushing40, look at your family history and bring this up in each of your consultations. If you have had no instances of male members of your family having a sudden and devastating pattern of loss in their 40's or 50's, then I don't see why you would have a problem with a moderate/conservative hairline restoration.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Thanks, I agree. I want my hair now, not later! I am going to try and get a script for propecia soon. As far as family history goes, its hard to say. There is no MPB on mom's side; all those guys had Ronald Reagan hairlines last time I saw them about 25 yrs ago and they were all in their 50's and 60's. Not sure about Dad's side. Funny story: my father and his father were both NW7 by the time they were 30. Very rapid and profuse hairloss. So I figured mine would be the same. Well, my younger brother (34yrs old) followed them almost exactly; he has almost no hair left. Curious huh? All the comments growing up about how my sister and brother look alike AND look just like my dad and I didn't "fit in the picture" resemblance wise. Well, at the ripe old age of 38, I finally found out he's not my biologicle father. Is that ridiculos or what? You would think I would have put it together a little earlier in life you know? Anyway, not sure who dad is or how slick his head is. Would be nice to know for medical reasons though. With my luck he was fine until he hit forty and then lost it all overnight! I'll let you know on my birthday LOL!

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Pushing 40-


Your hairloss is very minimal. You're one of the lucky guys who still has awesome hair (except the receding hair line/temples) at age 38.


I would recommend get on Propecia asap, use it for a year and make sure it works for you. Once you get some confidence in the medicine, get a HT ~ about 1500-2000 grafts (40-50 grafts/cm2), and in no time you'll be looking like 30!!! Don't wait until you're 45-50 years old, becuase longer you wait more you're going to regret for waiting so long. But definitely wait another year to see how the propecia works for you. Good luck.



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Originally posted by pushing 40:

From my reading, I'm interpreting that since I am already 39 and still have as much hair as I do, I probably won't go all the way to a NW 6 or 7? I know nothing's impossible, but the odds are with me on this right? What are your opinions?


My bet is that you will have formed an "island" within a couple of years. It looks like you need grafts in your temples and then some in behind the forelock to prevent a gap forming. Meds will probably take care of the back. Book an HT date ASAP!




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I agree. You shouldn't only recover hairline and temples; you need to address complete frontal 1/3. It seems like its about 70 cm2 area. Now it all depends on how much hair you want. I would suggest about 45-50 grafts/cm2 in the hairline and temples, and about 15-25 behind the hairline/between the temples where you already have decent coverage, but it seems like it's thinning. The reason I suggest you being on Propecia for at least 9 months to 1 yr period is because when the doc goes in between your existing hair, you might suffer shock loss. Propecia will help you minimize that risk. Whatever you do, select the right doc. Anything less than 40-45 grafts/cm2 in the hairline/temples will be useless as you will still have thin look.



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That sounds like a good plan. And your right; there is a line forming right wear my hair changes direction in the front. For years I just had the Jack Nicolson temples with plenty in the middle. Then last year I noticed a distinct line separating the very front from the middle; that's right where my hair goes from angled slightly upward/foward to completely forward (also there's a silly lump shape across my skull from side to side). I have always had very straight slightly thin/fine hair. I retire soon and REALLY would like to wear it longer. I think a yr on the med and then a HT will work out well (I hope). Maybe that'll give me time to find out who "Dad" is...LOL. Oh, btw; what is my NW class? 4?

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I retire soon and...


You're only pushing 40 and you are about to retire!? I'm 45 and am looking at another 20 years (if I even live that long). I'm jealous!



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Well, let me clarify: I'm retiring from the military after 20yrs service. My retirement pay will only be a couple thousand dollars a month; not enough to live on. My wife has an excellent income though so I plan to take a couple yrs off and then go back to work when kids are a little older. That's why it would be a good time to do the HT.

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Originally posted by pushing 40:

That's why it would be a good time to do the HT.


It certainly would be a good time - no worries about what you look like after the op. The boss of the department I work for booked a meeting with me today for the first day I'm back at work after my HT... a private meeting in her office and I'll be sitting directly opposite her about 4 feet away. I'll have to prepare an explanation as to why I have stubble growing out of my forehead as the grafts won't have shedded by that time (11 days post op)...



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Man, that has to suck! So, how did it go? People are still shocked when men want to do something like this to make them happier about their own appearance. Its all ok for women, but not us. Everbody says "stop sitting around getting fat and watching football, and be more sensative and communicative". Then we do something like this and everybody is shocked by it. BTW, I don't watch football and I'm not fat so but you know what I mean....

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You look like I used to. get on the proscar, amazing how it stopped my hairloss, You have great coverage on your crown, no need for work there. I had a 2500 graft job about two years ago, about 9K, very happy now, Dr.Sharon Keene, she made a nice hairline nicely flared into the temples. forget about what other people think, a little aggravation and a year later you will be happy with the look

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So you went from what I look like to continued progression to being a NW5? How long did that take? From what age to what age? I saw some of your earlier posts about "plant all you can" and that's what I wanted to do. But, most consults are recommending only around 1400-1600 graphs; so there's a predicament. they are saying I still have so much hair that they wouldn't want to "cram" too much more into my existing hair. So, I have a couple of choices: 1) just wait a few more yrs until a lot more is gone and have a larger HT and be done with it; or 2) start propecia to hopefully stop anymore from falling out and get a smaller HT now but be on meds for a long time. I will most likely go with #2 because I am young and narcisistic and want more hair NOW. What do ya think?

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pushing 40,


I know that it is tempting, but try not to base your own hairloss against what others experience. Each individual's hair loss is unique. For example, I have talked to some guys that looked great up until around age 28 and rapidly lost their hair up to the point they were a NW5 by the time they were 30. Other guys will slowly but steadily lose hair until 50, then all of a sudden have major loss. Still other guys will slowly lose hair all of their lives and never reach a NW3.


Everyone is different.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I was about a NW 4A at 40 yrs I suppose. With a large growing forehead and a nice thin or mostly bald spot on my crown, the proscar stopped the loss and I had about 600 or so put on my crown and the rest on the frontal hairline flaring into the temples, lowered my hairline about 5/8 to 3/4, make a much younger look (per my wife) she's delighted by the way!.I was heading for that Island thing forlock. I had really lost alot of hair in the previous four years, but I had been balding since about 25. My dad was slick bald NW7, my moms side all very hairy so I landed somehwere in between

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