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About to have my first HT in Greece

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Hi everybody!It's the first time I write in a forum and I apologize for my English since it's not my native language. First af all I'd like to thank deeply all those people who spend time to share their experience and their wisdom in order to spread the knowledge upon a subject that is concerning all of us.

I'm 28 years old and started shedding when I was 16. My current hair situation is 3A at the Norwood scale. On November 2004 started finasterdide and minoxidil and almost after one year I stopped them although the results were positive. However the new hair were thinner and could not lengthen much. So I stopped them and I lost most of my new hair. I should mention that my father is at the 3A Norwood scale at the age of 59 but both my grandfathers were scale 6.

Now I'm about to have my first HT. My dilema about FUE and FUT was solved thanx to your posts. I live in Greece and i had to choose between some clinics. After some research I decided to choose Bergmann Kord (http://www.bergmannkord.gr or www.kord.gr).I'd rather not write the reasons of my choice unless somebody wants to hear them, because as a new member here may be accused as the clinic's employee. Using two words only I would say that I felt they treated me as a human and not as a wallet. Anyway, I would like to ask you the following:

1)is there anyone having an operation in this clinic?

2) The names of the doctors are Brendas Theodoros and Christakis Christos. Anyone any idea about them?

3) Before the HT is there any hairline pattern for the HT candidate according to his Norwood phase?I'm asking because from the pics they showed me I noticed that the hairlines are rather too round.

4) My crown area seems to be ok for the moment. Should I start again finasteride right now or should I wait to see if I lose hair in my crown area?

Thanx a lot in advance for your help

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Hi everybody!It's the first time I write in a forum and I apologize for my English since it's not my native language. First af all I'd like to thank deeply all those people who spend time to share their experience and their wisdom in order to spread the knowledge upon a subject that is concerning all of us.

I'm 28 years old and started shedding when I was 16. My current hair situation is 3A at the Norwood scale. On November 2004 started finasterdide and minoxidil and almost after one year I stopped them although the results were positive. However the new hair were thinner and could not lengthen much. So I stopped them and I lost most of my new hair. I should mention that my father is at the 3A Norwood scale at the age of 59 but both my grandfathers were scale 6.

Now I'm about to have my first HT. My dilema about FUE and FUT was solved thanx to your posts. I live in Greece and i had to choose between some clinics. After some research I decided to choose Bergmann Kord (http://www.bergmannkord.gr or www.kord.gr).I'd rather not write the reasons of my choice unless somebody wants to hear them, because as a new member here may be accused as the clinic's employee. Using two words only I would say that I felt they treated me as a human and not as a wallet. Anyway, I would like to ask you the following:

1)is there anyone having an operation in this clinic?

2) The names of the doctors are Brendas Theodoros and Christakis Christos. Anyone any idea about them?

3) Before the HT is there any hairline pattern for the HT candidate according to his Norwood phase?I'm asking because from the pics they showed me I noticed that the hairlines are rather too round.

4) My crown area seems to be ok for the moment. Should I start again finasteride right now or should I wait to see if I lose hair in my crown area?

Thanx a lot in advance for your help

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  • Senior Member

Welcome to the forum MysteryTrain,


- First thing to do is to get back on Finasteride ASAP. You can get Propecia again or the way cheaper option is 1/4 Proscar daily.


- I looked at the Bergmann Kord site you linked to, from their pictures the work looks ok but not impressive, they don't seem to do mega sessions but they give almost no detail on their technique ...


- Have you thought of DHI? They have a special running in February right now and they offered me $3.00 per hair at their Athens clinic. Caution though as they have bad reviews on this forum, but all their patient reports came from other countries and it seems Athens is the headquarters and houses their "Master Surgeons".


- I have not heard anyone reporting here on Bergmann Kord but run a search using the key words you never know.


My take on this:


- If I were you I'd go get a free consult at DHI to get a feel and learn more about their approach, hopefully you are not far from Athens. They do a "proprietary" technique based on FUE. It would be interesting to know more about it.


- Just to be safe and not become a guinea pig I would go to a Coalition or recommended surgeon as listed on our site. Do your research, take your time, get back on Finasteride, the more you learn, the better decision you'll make. Your hairline will be determined between you and your chosen surgeon, if you have several consultations you'll be able to better judge for yourself because everybody has a slightly different take on it.


- Post pictures of your hair, you'll get responses from many members.

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Hi my friend,


Hope you are doing good. I am Greek also, similar age as you, living in the US for some time now. My advice is start on propecia and travel across the Atlantic for your procedure, after you get many on line consultations with doctors. Location should not be a factor, neither a couple thousand dollars more, even though price matters.No offense that some doctors in Greece can provide excellent results, but why risk it. Travel to Vancouver to H&W, or any doc here in the US.

You can send me a private message and I can help you with any details or questions you might have.

Ta leme re filarako!

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Thank you for your answers my friends. HK500 I visited of course also DHI but I had that feeling that I was treated more as a wallet than a patient who is asking for a cure. The dilema I had to solve was between DHI and Bergmann Kord. I've studied a lot in this site, in this forum, and in several other at the net. Strip is the method that I've chosen, the guys in Bergmann Kord are moral but my questions about them involve their technique, since they do not seem to be "artists" in their work although many greek celebrities have chosen them for their HT. Victo 27 perhaps you r right for travelling across the Atlantic, I should reconsider it. Thank you for your help.

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Welcome to the forums.


I think the most important thing you can do right now is spend some time researching. Though you may find a good doctor in Greece, it seemingly may be more out of luck than anything else. Unfortunately, that also means that you also have a chance to be unlucky as well. My thoughts are...it's better to go to a doctor who has been KNOWN to yield consistent quality results than to hope a doctor might be qualified. Going into a clinic, you never can tell. There is a lot of hype in this medical field, but seemingly there aren't nearly as many deliverers. Research, research and research. if that research leads you to a doctor in Greece, great...if not, don't be afraid to travel.




P.S. What you are saying about DHI is pretty much what I've heard too. Their "newly refined" methods are very questionable in my opinion, and they charge per hair (if I am correct) and not per Follicular Unit Graft. Inevitably, you'll pay a lot more money there for a questionable hair transplant. The only experiences that I've seen posted on this forum have been negative, with the exception of one person who I suspect was just here to hype the clinic since he made a few of the same posts and then disappeared.

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