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Expert opinions on my regiment

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Hi all,

I am 24 and had a transplant of about 1500 grafts to reinforce my hairline and temples about a month ago (in the doldrums for a while to come,I know). First off, I know the majority(and maybe not any if finasteride proves to be a bust) of my regiment will not result in magical regrowth or stoppage/slowing of hairloss, but I am hoping to improve the quality of hair that I still have. So here goes my regiment, which is spread throughout the day and not religiously followedicon_smile.gif

1.1/4 fin. e/d (for just under 4months now)btw, I am starting to feel prickly hairs throughout my scalp(albeit less in the temples and front of course) so I am curious to see how my hair quality will be in the next 3-4 months

2. multi-vitamin e/d

3. multi. B-complex e/d

4. zinc 50 mg e/d (taken at same time as multi-B because I've read that they have a synergistic effect)

5. selenium 200 mcg e/d

6. vit. E 400 i.u. e/d

7. omega combo 3/6/9 e/d

8. Finally, just started MSM 500 mg/day post ht

9. Had been using 1% nizoral 2-3 days/ week, but have not started back since my transplant. At almost 4 weeks post HT, is it okay to restart nizoral?

Okay, so I'm looking for some blunt answers here. Please feel free to praise/criticize my regiment at will. Keep in mind that some of the vitamins are taken for reasons besides hair quality, but any improvement for my hair would be an added plus. Am I wasting my time with any of these supplemens? Do any of them interact positively or negatively when mixed together? I know a lot of people like minox. but I used it for about 4 months and found that it irriated my skin and I hope to stay away from it as long as possible (might eventually use it in the crown region, but holding off for now). I also have 450 mg saw palmetto berry extract, but haven't started this due to the possibility of reduced sex drive if I take this in addition to the fin (which hasn't affected me too much so far).

Apologies for the large regiment, but would be curious for some feedback here. Thanks everyone....

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First off, I know the majority(and maybe not any if finasteride proves to be a bust) of my regiment will not result in magical regrowth or stoppage/slowing of hairloss, but I am hoping to improve the quality of hair that I still have.




Well if the above is true, then your regime is just fine. Taking the necessary vitamins and minerals for the body have a good chance at improving hair and skin quality. Taking care of the inside will always help take care of the outside.


If you're interested in stopping hair loss however, you may want to consider proven treatments like Propecia and Rogaine.


Best wishes,



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He mentions taking "fin", which could be finasteride, in which case he should be fine assuming it is a full dosage.


Taking vitamins, supplements, etc. will do a lot of good for your body and your health, but I'm not sure what precisely it will do for your hair. Does "hair quality" really matter when you only have a half-ring of hair around your crown?

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  • Regular Member

Bill and Marvin, I am on 1.25mg/day finasteride (for just under 4 months now, and I feel some prickly hairs popping up throughout my scalp). I still have a decent amount of hair (not just the horseshoe, at least not yeticon_smile.gif), so am looking to increase the hair quality in any way that I can. I have read that both selenium and zinc can increase hair shaft diameter. Is there any truth to this? Again, I know the supplements will not stop hair loss. What about using nizoral again at 4 weeks post ht? I had been using the 1% 2-3 times per week. Thanks for your time gents. Any feedback would be appreciated...

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I'm sorry, I must have missed where you are taking finasteride. That couldvery well help stop or even reverse some aspects of male pattern baldness.


The ketoconazole in Nizoral has some anti-DHT properties and may help as an adjunct treatment to finasteride and minoxidil.


Regarding the other supplements, many of them are great for your body and health and therefore can improve hair quality. But male pattern baldness is not discriminatory and will take down enriched healthy hair as fast as it would if you weren't taking vitamins.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Bill, sorry I was not clear on my use of finasteride. Thanks for your feedback. Am I okay to use nizoral again at 4 weeks post HT? I know you just had your 4th HT recently(been following your well-documented and successful case) and just wanted to say grow well. Happy Easter!

If you wanna scream, scream with me....

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