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Questions about finasteride (proscar)

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I have been to a hair clinic today, and the conslant there confirmed i do indeed have the male baldness pattern. I am only just 18 and too young for any kind of transplant. so he has suggested finasteride.

If i go with this, it will be in 5mg tablets which i should cut into quarters, so i am getting just over 1mg per day.


I just want to know from anyone who has personal or medical experience of the drug, to tell me how this sounds what are the most liketly side effects and do they go away? And also how it worked well for you?




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I am a pharmacist and a HT survivor. I am also a finasteride user.


your consultant was correct. If you are really serious about changing the course of your hair loss getting started on finasteride is a must. I consulted about 5 years before I really got serious about my hair loss. At the time, I rejected the idea of using finasteride because I didn't want to have to take a medication for the rest of my life. Now I wish I had because my hair loss progressed to a point where when I did get HT I needed a lot more than I would have otherwise.


And yes cutting the 5mg tablets in 1/4 is the most cost effective way of doing it.


Side effects are generally mild but can include a decreased libido (usually more pronounced in men older than you.) You may also notice a decreased volume of ejaculate and possibly some erectile dysfunction. Very rarely but still possible, finasteride can cause breast swelling and tenderness and testicular tenderness. Please note that side effects are really more prominent at higher doses. If you experience any of the side effects above and they become intolerable, your dose can be adjusted to help.


Keep in mind that it takes about 3 months of therapy for hair loss to stop then another 3-12 months at least for you to see continual improvement in your existing hair quality.


Hope that helps--the sooner you get started the better off you'll be down the road when you do decide to get HT

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