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question on density placement

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I received 2200 grafts 5 months ago. This is my 2nd HT. I previously had 2200 grafft HT. Growth has already been very good but the placement of grafts concerns me. I have an extremely dense area of grafts in a narrow strip starting from the front of my forehead to the mid to back scalp area of my head. It looks fairly awkward at this point. It is very bulky on the top of my head compared to the temple and side areas.


My doctor says this is a normal grafting and that everyone is much more dense in the vertex area of the front and back of the head, and density lessens as you go go to the sides of the head. Is this true? Do I have any reason to be concerned?

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  • Regular Member

I received 2200 grafts 5 months ago. This is my 2nd HT. I previously had 2200 grafft HT. Growth has already been very good but the placement of grafts concerns me. I have an extremely dense area of grafts in a narrow strip starting from the front of my forehead to the mid to back scalp area of my head. It looks fairly awkward at this point. It is very bulky on the top of my head compared to the temple and side areas.


My doctor says this is a normal grafting and that everyone is much more dense in the vertex area of the front and back of the head, and density lessens as you go go to the sides of the head. Is this true? Do I have any reason to be concerned?

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Lets just say I was a Norwood 4+ before my 2nd HT. I prefer not to bring the doctors name in to it at this point, because I may just be over reacting.


I still have a decent size bald spot at my vertex, which I am ok with. That brings up a second question, the dr went dense in the back of the top side of my head instead of feathering back. That does not seem to make sense to me either.

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Mny times the hairs first to grow in are rather course and a different texture than the surrounding.. I'd wait to see as 1 year will give you a good idea of the final result.. Too early to pass judgement at 5 months.. I don't know about the sides being less dense.. Mine are very dense compared to the top



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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