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Rogaine and shedding?


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I'm trying to hold onto as much hair as possible especially this year because I'm getting married in December. I'm currently taking proscar and have been for about 5 months. I used Rogaine last year for awhile and didn't like it so I stopped it, and lost a lot of hair when I did. I use toppik and get excellent results however if I lose much more hair even toppik won't be able to save me. So, my question is this; should I start using Rogaine in combination with the proscar? My worry is that when I start using it more hair will shed and I'll be forced to just shave my head because I need all the hair I have now for toppik to be effective. Thanks in advance for sharing your opinions.

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I'm trying to hold onto as much hair as possible especially this year because I'm getting married in December. I'm currently taking proscar and have been for about 5 months. I used Rogaine last year for awhile and didn't like it so I stopped it, and lost a lot of hair when I did. I use toppik and get excellent results however if I lose much more hair even toppik won't be able to save me. So, my question is this; should I start using Rogaine in combination with the proscar? My worry is that when I start using it more hair will shed and I'll be forced to just shave my head because I need all the hair I have now for toppik to be effective. Thanks in advance for sharing your opinions.

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Tough question. I started using Rogaine and Propecia 3 months ago and just starting to notice new growth. I read that using both could have synergistic value, but each individual responds differently to these drugs--works for some and for others it doesn't.

Rogaine is more troublesome; oily appearance until it dries and 2X daily consistent application, and as you know, once you quit you really notice fallout in 1-3 months even if you've been using it for long term. I think, in my case, that Rogaine just added fuzz nothing more.

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