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arfy or any veteran....worried


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I am two monts post up.The HT was done in the receeding hairline and vertex area.I am a bit worried as the receeding hair line(800 singular grafts in this area) is smooth and no signs of activity unlike the frontal region where there are still some grafts left and pimples and itching.


1.Could this be as a result of dense packing on the receeding hair line.If not are the grafts lost and will never appear.


2.Why is there activity on top of the head and none at the receeding hairline.Is this normal..have anyone experienced this before.What's the next step to look for after itching and pimples.


3.When can I expect hair growth.


4.I did have shock loss.Will I get these hairs back.


5.Why does some of the grafts fall out while others remain.How deep are they planted under the skin.


The was done by a recommended doctor on this site.

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  • Senior Member

Ten weeks is considered average, for grafts to start beginning to grow. You're not even there yet. Also, your hair grows a half-inch per month, on average. So when it does emerge, it will happen slowly.


Relax, and try not to worry. As far as I know, there's nothing you can do at this point but keep your fingers crossed. In the meantime, don't get stressed out.

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i too was concerned like you as i'm 10 months

post op now,i can tell you from my experience

that the grafts right in the front hairline

area took 5 months to grow,where as the grafts

behind the hairline started growing well at

around the three month mark,still at 10 months

the single front grafts still don't have the

thickness yet as do the grafts behind.stay calm

cool and collected,this process is painfully

long,and will monopolize your thoughts on a daily

basis,it sucks.but with an all fu ht from a good

doc,time is the healer.at 10 months i'm very

pleased with my results and i still have some

more growing to come,especially in the frontal

hairline area where the grafts seemed a little

stalled.it's easier said than done but be patient

good luck

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How is the rest of the HT. Are you satisfied? I had one 9 months ago and I feel it is still too soon to tell. Besides, the more hair around the grafts make it harder to identify the new growth.

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i'm 11 months post op. i had the same thing with

a single hair on the front hairline that stayed

as stubble for 10 months,like a nub it just

wouldn't grow.finally a few weeks ago it started

growing and just fell out,hope it grows back,but

it's a single hair,so i'm not missing much,but

you know how it is,we want every single hair on

our heads,not on our hands and the shower floor.

the hairs at the very front of the hairline at

least for me were very slow in growing.it seems

recently they just started catching up to the

other grafts,and theres still some growing to do

as far as thickining up and gaining girth.

good luck and try not to drive yourself nuts about

the stalled graft it will grow.

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I would not say I'm totally satisfied. I recevied 2800 FU's in Feb 2002 at $6.00 per FU. According to the numbers, that should equate to about 5600 hairs. I see pictures on this site where individuals have received less FU's but their results look alot better than mine.


However, I believe that my 2800 FU's were spread about a larger area than most (front hairline, behind front hairline and then some on top). So, taking that into consideration reduces my frustration.


Nonetheless, based on some of the pictures on this site of men in the same category as me who have had less FU's but seem to have much better results is the reason for some of my frustration.



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Actually, there is something that can be done to speed up the growth, start using Rogaine.

This is a total reversal of my prior position, but a study presented at the International Society of Hair Restration Surgery (ISHRS) showed that not only does Rogaine accelerate growth, but enhances thickness as well. I was very impressed with the photos shown during the lecture and now advise all my patients to start using over the counter Rogaine the week after surgery.


Dr. Feller

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I am currently 5 months past OP.

I seem to be experiencing the reverse effect of what has been described above. My frontal hair, single hairs that where implanted in laser cut grafts in the first frontal rows , where the first to regrow. I know it sounds strange and goes against what I have read so far, but it is the truth. Of course, after 5 months the rest of the frontal area also is growing hairs The hairs in the front row region seems to be the first ones that grow thicker hair.

New growth is getting much harder to detect now due to all of the other hairs that block the view.

I never took any drugs to improve growth, nor do I intent to.

my 2 cents.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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