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Post-Op Hair Transplant Questions

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Having just had a hair transplant I was wondering if someone could set up a detailed post-op timeline of what to do. The instructions given to me by my doctor pertained mostly to the first two weeks after an not further down the road. When can one return to their "normal" life after a HT. (i.e.- not having to worry about moving/dislodging grafts when showering, when to switch from baby shampoo (or whatever the doc gave you) to regular shampoo, when its ok to use Nizoral shampoo and Minoxidil, any products or regiments used to minimize scaring, etc.) Thanks!

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  • Regular Member

Having just had a hair transplant I was wondering if someone could set up a detailed post-op timeline of what to do. The instructions given to me by my doctor pertained mostly to the first two weeks after an not further down the road. When can one return to their "normal" life after a HT. (i.e.- not having to worry about moving/dislodging grafts when showering, when to switch from baby shampoo (or whatever the doc gave you) to regular shampoo, when its ok to use Nizoral shampoo and Minoxidil, any products or regiments used to minimize scaring, etc.) Thanks!

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First, just because your doctor didn't give you instructions for beyond two weeks now doesn't mean he won't do so when you see him within the first two weeks for your follow-up visit. Second, after the first couple of weeks, your life really is pretty much back to "normal" -- really, there aren't very many "instructions" for you to follow from that point on.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by lovestospoon:

I was not aware of any follow-up visits with my doctor. From what it seemed after the procedure I was gonna be on my own from now. So your saying after a couple of weeks I can pretty much do whatever I want with the exception of getting a sunburn?


I certainly hope you won't be "on your own" after your surgery -- lol. Yes, you should have scheduled an appointment with your doctor for a visit the day after your procedure, when you would have been examined and cleaned up. After that, you need to go to the clinic again in a week or two (your doctor ought to let you know when) to have your sutures removed. Did you think the stitches would just stay in you...?


Anyway, yes, after a couple of weeks, use sound judgement (don't get in a contest with your friends to see who can take the biggest brick to the back of the head), but know you should be able to live your life "normally" again (but, yes, sun-burn = bad [even without the procedure's having been performed]).

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