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"Floating Plugs"


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Is it possible to salvage any of the hair from plugs haphazardly placed in large bald area?.

Adjoining bald area has huge 't' shaped scar from scalp reduction and I don't think it is possible to cover this with hair. If it is possible to

harvest hair from these plugs which I now shave and cover with a hairpiece, it might be possible to fill in the terrible frontal hairline.

I am new to this site and would appreciate hearing from anyone with reconstructive stories

or information. I have had an absolutely terrible

disfiguring result from the Bosley people. icon_confused.gificon_confused.gif

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Is it possible to salvage any of the hair from plugs haphazardly placed in large bald area?.

Adjoining bald area has huge 't' shaped scar from scalp reduction and I don't think it is possible to cover this with hair. If it is possible to

harvest hair from these plugs which I now shave and cover with a hairpiece, it might be possible to fill in the terrible frontal hairline.

I am new to this site and would appreciate hearing from anyone with reconstructive stories

or information. I have had an absolutely terrible

disfiguring result from the Bosley people. icon_confused.gificon_confused.gif

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  • Senior Member

Yes, you can have the old grafts excised, and divided up and re-implanted. I have had this done, and the difference between the old grafts and the new ones was remarkable. Make sure that you get an excellent doctor this time though! Definitely use doctors who ONLY use follicular unit grafts, they look the most natural.

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emantogo - Don't give up hope. If you haven't already tried, you might want to see if you can find a plastic surgeon to reduce the size of the scar. Then you can have the plugs removed and replanted as follicular units, along with some new FU grafts. If you have enough donor hair (and can afford the cost) you should be able to get a good result.

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If you've decided to keep the hairpiece, it would be easier to use follicular units from the regular donor area (back and sides of the scalp)to plant along the front. Even people with extensive prior harvesting usually have some more available using FU techniques. If you want to go without the hairpiece, the plugs can be removed, sutured closed and the hairs microscopically prepared into FU micrografts for planting at the hairline. You may not get as much hair from the plugs as you might hope though. Trying to remove/improve the scar from the reduction can be risky and it may not look any better. Good luck.


Dr. Cooley

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At the New Hair Institute we have frequently over the past few years excised unsightly old plugs and cut them into follicular units and transplanted them elsewhere on the scalp. To use them to soften the hair line or fill in the front in front of a hairpiece is commonly done, or they can simply be scattered into the affected area to give a thinning, but more natural look. This seems improve the look the most in men who have coarse, straight, dark hair which stands out against light colored skin. There are inevitably scars left, which tend to be very small, and much less noticable than the plugs. I would recommend you be seen by someone who is familar and experienced with this technique or at a minimum send pictures for an evaluation.

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Emantogo you can have those plugs repaired we have lots of patients we have done that to.We have a special punch we use to remove the plug then we make FU's out of them. The results are an improvement from the look of the plugs. I also agree with Dr. Cooley the scar may not look any better if you try to remove it, what we have found in our clinic is to transplant FU's into the scar itself keeping in mind that there is not as much blood flow to the scar but in some cases it grows very well



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