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HT Consults in Mass/RI

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As many of you know I had a HT with Dr. Distefano in Feb 04, my results in my opinion have been what I wanted to achieve. The doc asked me to join his team partime as an example of the results the clinic can provide to clients so here we are.


The doc is planning some upcoming open houses in the Newton MA, Worcester MA and the RI locations to review individual cases as well as see examples of the work he has done over the last 10 years.


If anyone is interested in seeing the results and having a consult email me for the dates.





You never know until you try


2140 Follicular Units Feb 04 Dr. Distefano, effective May 05 Full Time Patient Part Time Consultant

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  • Senior Member

As many of you know I had a HT with Dr. Distefano in Feb 04, my results in my opinion have been what I wanted to achieve. The doc asked me to join his team partime as an example of the results the clinic can provide to clients so here we are.


The doc is planning some upcoming open houses in the Newton MA, Worcester MA and the RI locations to review individual cases as well as see examples of the work he has done over the last 10 years.


If anyone is interested in seeing the results and having a consult email me for the dates.





You never know until you try


2140 Follicular Units Feb 04 Dr. Distefano, effective May 05 Full Time Patient Part Time Consultant

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  • Senior Member

Is Dr. Distefano now doing F/U hairtransplants? I did meet with him after I got butchered by MHR and he told me that I got sold and was candid about what could and could'nt be done to remedy the situation. Anyway he did seem to be a straight shooter. I hope that you do well and take a role in educating patients and rejecting those who would not benefit from surgery for whatever reason.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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I have followed your posts, what an experience. I met with MHR/Steve prior to picking Distefano, wow a doc and consultant that would be so difficult!!


The clinic does do all Follicular Units for the clients, as I have a full time career this is more of a hobby for me so relaying accurate information and more importantly letting patients see the work I had done is the most important factor.



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Yes, that pair have quite a scam going. The consultant plays Doctor and the Doctor plays consultant.I cannot beleive they are still in business. Here in Mass you cannot get a tatoo due to health concerns. But there are no regulations on hair transplants or what a Doctor can say.I was suprised to say the least when I coveyed my experience to the "Medical Board" (joke)regarding the lies and damage that "Dr." Magdalin did .and was suprised it did not result in a disiplinary action at least.The woman who was in charge of the consumer protection unit was not helpful and actually turned the blame to me and recited what the consent form stated. That there were "no garantees". She has been replaced and I am resubmitting with more detailed information and statements from other Doctors as to the resulting damage done and hopeful he will get his black mark.He deserves that at the very least as he is a criminal not merely a medical miscreant.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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Does this Dr. use microscopes to ensure that grafts are disected the best possible way? Does this doc still use some micrografts? Does this doc use the smallest incisions possible and use dense follicular unit grafting in order to provide the most optimal results?

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