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Dr.Rogers UK and other HT questions!

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Hi everyone!


This is my first post and I would like some advice from you guys! I am a 23 year old guy from the UK who is suffering from a receeding hair line. Although it is manageable at the current moment in time, my hairloss has drastically increased in the past 6 months and I am considering FUE as it does seem to be the least intrusive method of hair surgery as I cannot see myself with a major donor scar on the back of my head! My main questions I would like to ask you are:


- How many FUE grafts can be obtained in one session?

- Is scarring from transplanted hairs in FUE less noticeable and thus do I require less time off work?

- What is the cost difference between FUE and the traditional method?

- Is FUE deemed more suitable for those with less an extent of hairloss?



I am consider the UK Rogers clinic. From previous reviews he does seem to be one of the leading hair transplant surgeons in the UK but is it worth going across the pond to the likes of Hasson and Wong? Is there a cost saving to be gained and do these surgeons offers travel discounts for international customers.


Many thanks.

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  • Regular Member

Hi everyone!


This is my first post and I would like some advice from you guys! I am a 23 year old guy from the UK who is suffering from a receeding hair line. Although it is manageable at the current moment in time, my hairloss has drastically increased in the past 6 months and I am considering FUE as it does seem to be the least intrusive method of hair surgery as I cannot see myself with a major donor scar on the back of my head! My main questions I would like to ask you are:


- How many FUE grafts can be obtained in one session?

- Is scarring from transplanted hairs in FUE less noticeable and thus do I require less time off work?

- What is the cost difference between FUE and the traditional method?

- Is FUE deemed more suitable for those with less an extent of hairloss?



I am consider the UK Rogers clinic. From previous reviews he does seem to be one of the leading hair transplant surgeons in the UK but is it worth going across the pond to the likes of Hasson and Wong? Is there a cost saving to be gained and do these surgeons offers travel discounts for international customers.


Many thanks.

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Martin, My advice is see him for a consultation but also do not limit yourself to the UK. HW are strip dr's not FUE although do not be put off by strip as with the new Tricho closure techinques used as standard the scaring is very minimal. Research FUE an become aware of its limitations. Everyone would opt for it if it was suitable for everyone, this isn't the case unfortunately.


You should meet up with Spex who is a fourm user /educator on the forums as he will tell you how it is with no frills or sales pitch. Although he works for Dr Feller now he has advised many guys and speak very highly of various top clinics. www.hair-help.co.uk


As i said do not limit yourself to the UK, this is a HT not a hat your buying.


Read up on Hairroot also, he doesn't post here but has had a couple of FUE sessions with Dr Feller in NY and is from the UK.




All the best but read through all the forums to get a good understanding of the limitations involved with FUE and do not rule out strip.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for tips Specs. I am taking Regaine and Nanogen shampoo at the moment in time however I am finding Regaine a pain I don't basically have enough time in the morning to apply it,wait for it to dry and then style my hair! As I have mentioned before my hair is manageable however I am losing my hair on the sides of my temple and my the centre of my hair is minuturizing. I thought FUE would be a good option to "top up" my existing hairline for a couple of years which my that time I would consider a larger graft for the back of my head. I think I am just forward planning!


My main concern about going abroad is aftercare - what could I do if something was not right after surgery?

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