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Shapiro Medical HT Done Nov. 8th, 2002 - Dr. Charles


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Well, first and foremost, I do have to give a big fat thank you to this site (and I guess the operators name is Pat) for turning me to the Shapiro Medical Group and Dr. Charles. For a while, I was contemplating the Bosley Medical Group (thank God I did not go there). I was nervous as hell on my drive up from Chicago, and when I got to the Hilton I mellowed a bit, but still nervous. I arrived at the Shapiro Medical office early the next morning, feeling a bit like a freak, though I didn't need a LOT of work by any means.


I was greeted so warmly that it immediately made me feel comfortable, like I was with a big group of friends. The people there were so nice to me that I did not feel out of place in any capacity. Into transplant time, I only felt a few little pin-pricks of pain in the beginning then I heard the cutting of the scalp (donor area) in which I was told that I was just getting a minor haircut. Then a I saw a spot of blood, I said I couldn't remember the last time that I bled from a haircut. It was funny and put me at ease a little bit more.


I was down the hall from HarryLemon and I couldn't agree with his assessment more. Every aspect of my comfort was was paid exclusive attention to. Movies, music and a great sandwich from a nearby restaurant for lunch, bathroom breaks as necessary, comfortable talking going on in the room by everybody involved. Inclusive conversation, not simply what everyone was going to do over the weekend.


As the procedure went on, Dr. Shapiro would make drop-by's every 30 minutes or so and inspect the work, which made me feel good as well, since I am a stickler for customer service. It was really a mark of their professionalism and attention to the customer that had the effect upon me. Since I am only 2 weeks post-op, I haven't seen any results, all I know is that I can still see the transplants, some have fallen out out some are still there, I have lost little of my existing hair due to shock from the procedure and I can't wait for months down the road until it all comes back in, I'm hoping that I am one of those cases where it grows in very very soon.


But, back to Shapiro Medical Group... These guys were so professional and so accommodating it was ridiculous. I couldn't thank them enough for their excellent attitudes.


If I ever have to go for another HT, I can guarantee you that it WILL be with Shapiro Medical Group!!


And though I lost a girlfriend recently, I will be gaining my frontal hairline back, and that will make me feel more comfortable when searching for a new woman!


Thanks Dr. Charles and staff and Dr. Shapiro as well.

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  • Regular Member

Well, first and foremost, I do have to give a big fat thank you to this site (and I guess the operators name is Pat) for turning me to the Shapiro Medical Group and Dr. Charles. For a while, I was contemplating the Bosley Medical Group (thank God I did not go there). I was nervous as hell on my drive up from Chicago, and when I got to the Hilton I mellowed a bit, but still nervous. I arrived at the Shapiro Medical office early the next morning, feeling a bit like a freak, though I didn't need a LOT of work by any means.


I was greeted so warmly that it immediately made me feel comfortable, like I was with a big group of friends. The people there were so nice to me that I did not feel out of place in any capacity. Into transplant time, I only felt a few little pin-pricks of pain in the beginning then I heard the cutting of the scalp (donor area) in which I was told that I was just getting a minor haircut. Then a I saw a spot of blood, I said I couldn't remember the last time that I bled from a haircut. It was funny and put me at ease a little bit more.


I was down the hall from HarryLemon and I couldn't agree with his assessment more. Every aspect of my comfort was was paid exclusive attention to. Movies, music and a great sandwich from a nearby restaurant for lunch, bathroom breaks as necessary, comfortable talking going on in the room by everybody involved. Inclusive conversation, not simply what everyone was going to do over the weekend.


As the procedure went on, Dr. Shapiro would make drop-by's every 30 minutes or so and inspect the work, which made me feel good as well, since I am a stickler for customer service. It was really a mark of their professionalism and attention to the customer that had the effect upon me. Since I am only 2 weeks post-op, I haven't seen any results, all I know is that I can still see the transplants, some have fallen out out some are still there, I have lost little of my existing hair due to shock from the procedure and I can't wait for months down the road until it all comes back in, I'm hoping that I am one of those cases where it grows in very very soon.


But, back to Shapiro Medical Group... These guys were so professional and so accommodating it was ridiculous. I couldn't thank them enough for their excellent attitudes.


If I ever have to go for another HT, I can guarantee you that it WILL be with Shapiro Medical Group!!


And though I lost a girlfriend recently, I will be gaining my frontal hairline back, and that will make me feel more comfortable when searching for a new woman!


Thanks Dr. Charles and staff and Dr. Shapiro as well.

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Hey, I remember you when you left! You had that cool bandana on!! :-)

Hey, screw the girl! If she can't hang with it, she's not for you to begin with!!!

It WAS a great experience, wasn't it?

I totally agree... what movie did you watch?

I had the wild rice soup!

I even went to the Mall of America to get a better bandana on Saturday. Wow, that's one hell of a mall!

You know, it's perfectly normal for your transplanted stubs to be falling out about now (mine are), and, yes, I'm suffering a little shock loss as well - I hope it doesn't go any further, but if it does (as I suspect it may do), then I'll take it as a final, very temporary, exclusive little view into what my future WOULD'VE looked like had I not done what I did!

I met Dr Charles while I was still talking with Matt in Matt's office - he seemed like a really nice guy as well. I'm glad it went so well for you also. I'm sure your shocked ones will be back with the new arrivals...

Do you still have any pinkness in the recipient area?

Enough to still be donning head gear, by any chance?

My head is still a bit too pink along the recipient lines, and within, for me to go without my cap outside just yet... I started on the Rogaine Extra Strength on Day 5 (twice a day), and have noticed that each time I apply it, my scalp gets a lot redder for a couple minutes at least. I wonder if I should lay off it for a while???

I also feed it with FNS after the morning application (I wait about 10 minuted after the Rogain to slap on the FNS, from osmotics.com ).

It's good stuff - I recommend it!

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Yep, that was me, I remember peeking in on you while Dr. Shapiro was working on you, just checking things out and seeing how it was going with other people.


The girl, ehh, we were on our way out anyhow I guess, I'm still a bit depressed about that, true love is hard to find, she's being stubborn a lot of family issues, heavy ones, but oh well, I guess I have to move on. It'll give me more of a reason to move out to the L.A. area that much sooner I guess.


Well, for my movies I watched some Seinfeld episodes first, then Austin Powers 2 (I needed some laughs) then we listened to music for a while and I told them to put on whatever they wanted, since they were probably so used to the same movies over and over and over.


Yea, Dr. Charles was a completely excellent guy. He is a hockey player, like me, so is Matt, which was nice, a little smattering of hockey talk puts ya at ease as well. Hehe, maybe they'll get a game going for all their hockey playing clients sometime!!! icon_smile.gif


You know, you're right, I'm going to take the shock-loss the same way you are, how I would have looked had I not done anything. I started on Propecia, just in case, ya know, better safe than sorry I guess.


That FNS stuff, I never heard of that, is it really supposed to work? I might think of picking some up if so. I'm wondering, is it just some gimmick product? How do we know? Have you heard anything?? if so, where from?


I don't have any pinkness at all, basically that was gone within 3 days, all that was stil there was the little scabs from the implants, and those were all gone at 10 days, the scalp was just a bit dry, nothing terrible by any means, and it's clearing up more and more.


I haven't started on Rogaine, not completely sure if I will, I might just want to let this go naturally. I bought the rogaine, but not sure if I will use it. Now hearing that your scalp is turning red, even for a brief time, I don't like the sound of that. Redness means irritation, and I don't want to irritate something that I just spent $7000 on, ya know what I mean? As far as having enough for doning if I need it, hell yea, I have a big head and a LOT of doning hair, luckily, if I ever need it. Knock on wood that I won't!!


How about you? How many FU's did you wind up getting? I was shocked when Matt told me he would put me on the 1500 plan and anything more would be "on them" and anything less would be refunded. You can't lose on that one and I'l ltell you what, that right there is the topping on the cake for me promoting them as the premiere place to go for a HT procedure!!


Well, keep me posted on your progress and I'll do the same! Hopefully soon, I will be able to go in and cut my hair short again and not feel like a dumbass because I'm embarrassed about my frontal hairline receeding in from the sides.


I still feel bad because Dr. Shapiro gave up his sandwich to me because the restaurant messed up my order, Ceasar Chicken Salad to Chicken Salad Sandwich, I don't know how that one happens, but oh well!! hahaha


Take care! Good to hear back from someone who "took the plunge" on the same day I did.


Wasn't their staff just excellent!! They were such sweethearts! I know I'll probably catch hell for this, but that woman Pam, she was very nice, good sense of humor on her and she was attractive, tough combinations to find in one person.


And Pam, if you ever read this, let me know when you get those photos, I'd like to see those, you have my card but the email address is wrong on there, the number is correct.


Ciao, all!!!

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LOL! Yeah, and it was delish!!

Minnesota's finest! LOL!!

Made for a suiting analogy too, I thought!

Hey, it's crazy how it's those little things that stand out (no pun intended!)!

Hey hairhair, I used to play Ice-Hockey too - when I was growing up in Northern VA / Washington DC Metro area (Fairfax/McLean/Vienna). I played left wing - great sport!

When are you actually moving to LA?

I've got an old friend out there in Diversy... Chicago's a great city.

We should hook up and go for a drink sometime. I imagine it'd be a good laugh!

Any idea what part of LA you're thinking of moving too?

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Hey Harry.. funny stuff...


Yea, I have been planning on moving out there by the end of next summer, but since the woman and I are no longer together, maybe it will be a bit sooner than expected. I'll have to see on that one.


I'm planning on the Studio City area, somewhre around there. That's where my best friend moved, and I have been there quite often and I really like it. It's valley-side, but not quite the valley, so you don't get the dirty air but you do get the warmer air than when you cross over the hills.


Chicago is a beautiful city, but it's just so damn cold here in the winter. I just can't deal with it anymore, really! Plus, there's nothing left for me here anymore anyhow.


Heck yea, if we're ever in each other's area again, we can get a time to grab a drink or 10, should be good to see the results from both sides!


Are you going to fly back to Minnesota for the follow-up visit? Or are you going to pass on that one?

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You mean for a 2nd job?

Yeah, I'm planning on doing a second (final?) round again this time next year to get that dense look in place, with a full looking hairline/head as the end result...

Depending on how this one turns out though, I may just deem it unnecessary - who knows?

I am planning on a second one though...

I used to live in Studio City, on Moorpark!

Ever go to Irelands 32?

I used to party with a crazy bunch from LAVC back then!

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well, it has now been 2 months and one week since I had my HT done at Shapiro medical w/ Dr. Charles.


As it sits, I have lost very little hair from shock fallout and most of the hairs that were transplanted have fallen out as supposed to. While some of the hairs have taken root and started to grow, I can tell because the hair in the back of my head is a bit darker, and I can see the little tiny darker parts on top of a 1/2 inch thinner hair.


It's good to see that the hair is acting the wway it was supposed to and some are actully still there and growing. I was worried that I would be the one out of a million that had something go drastically wrong. But all seems to be well so far.


Will update next month as well, see how progress is.


later folks.

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