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Lifting Weights Post Op?


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I'm wondering here guys, when is it absolutely safe to start lifting weights after an HT? The main concern being donor scar stretching here. How long should I wait before I start working out again, and making sure that my scar won't stretch at all? I want to get back in shape here, but really don't want the scar to stretch.





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I'm wondering here guys, when is it absolutely safe to start lifting weights after an HT? The main concern being donor scar stretching here. How long should I wait before I start working out again, and making sure that my scar won't stretch at all? I want to get back in shape here, but really don't want the scar to stretch.





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  • Senior Member

Yes scars can stretch up to 6 months-- most within first 3 months.

First 4 weeks post op- do not do any excercises even though they say you can do cardio 2 weeks later-- I want everything healed and no sweat -- so first 4 weeks, I do not excercise-- take Omega 3 and fish oil to help prevent muscle breakdown by as much as 40%-- pro body builders who take off 3-4 weeks after big contests do this.

Then at 4 weeks, develop a cardio workout for 4 weeks with weight circuit like hammer strength stuff. THen at 8 weeks start using weights that are lighter then go back to normal routine at 12 weeks.-- That has been my routine and as long as you watch your diet during these 3 months then you should stay in the same shape-- your strength will decreas a little but your shape should be OK.

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