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HT:- India

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  • Regular Member

Dear all,

I have to for HT but there are two major issues:-

1) In india from whoon should i get it done and expected cost(Won't be able to come out of india).


2)My hair loss is not stopping even after starting propecia n minoxi 5%.


So how should i go about it.

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  • Regular Member

Dear all,

I have to for HT but there are two major issues:-

1) In india from whoon should i get it done and expected cost(Won't be able to come out of india).


2)My hair loss is not stopping even after starting propecia n minoxi 5%.


So how should i go about it.

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Tan Gill,


Another welcome to our community...I believe we spoke once or twice in the past.


Unfortunately I am not comfortable enough with any doctor in India to recommend them to you. Perhaps another experienced member who knows and is more familiar with doctors in India can recommend someone. Why is it you can't travel out of the country?


Keep in mind that I HAVE seen some work by doctors in India, and truth is, all that I've seen are using outdated technology and will most likely create a "pluggy" result and possiblly cause pitting which is where you can see indents in your scalp from where they made the recipient sites.


Perhaps there are some quality physicians in India...I just don't know of any.


If you want to keep any native hair you have, I suggest you stay on Propecia and/or minoxodil. Even though you may not be regrowing new hair, it may be helping you keep the hair you have.


Hope this helps.



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Tan Gill,


You are doing the right thing by taking medications to stabilize and slow down your hair loss. Please continue to do this.


Your hair loss is progressing, and will probably continue to progress throughout your life. Keep that in mind when considering surgical options. For example, If you transplant into your crown, the transplanted hairs will remain while your native hair will continue to receed. This will give you an island of transplanted hair in your crown, and you will need another transplant later.


There is nothing wrong with having more than one surgery, but it is something to consider and prepare for.


There are conservative approaches that can help you to maintain a natural look as your hair loss progresses. Having consults with different doctors can help you to find the best choices for you.


The good news is that your hair color and complexion make it easier for you to achieve coverage with fewer grafts. You also have nice, thick caliber hair (from what I can tell), which helps to achieve coverage as well.


I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions that I can help with. icon_smile.gif



I am not a doctor. I am a surgical tech trained in hair transplant. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Mwamba. My advice is not medical advice.

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The good news is that your hair color and complexion make it easier for you to achieve coverage with fewer grafts. You also have nice, thick caliber hair (from what I can tell), which helps to achieve coverage as well.


Where are the photos?

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks alot esp jes. I ahve posted my pics in prfile sometime back and tonite will post my latest pics as this might help u in taking the note of hair fall i am going thru.the pics that are aleady there were clicked in july last year and will post latest pics too..

Cheers!!! Ur feedback makes the difference

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Tan Gill,


Though I'm not too familiar with this doctor, you might want to do some reasearch on Dr. Arvind in India. You can see a patient of his just recently out of surgery here:




I STRONGLY recommend that you wait and follow this patients progress to see how his results turn out...AND that you don't go by this patient's results alone. It is important when researching a doctor to do extensive research looking for positive consistency.


I hope this helps you in your research.



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