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Graft Count: why the variance accross the profession

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Why is it that I consistently get different graft forecasts from different doctors/clinics? Most of the time they (projected graft count) are not even remotely close together. This makes the crediblity of all doctors debatable. I wish there was a sure-fire way to get an accurate, unbiased count, so that I could do my own analysis. Anyone care to ponder this with me?

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Why is it that I consistently get different graft forecasts from different doctors/clinics? Most of the time they (projected graft count) are not even remotely close together. This makes the crediblity of all doctors debatable. I wish there was a sure-fire way to get an accurate, unbiased count, so that I could do my own analysis. Anyone care to ponder this with me?

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  • Senior Member

I pondered the same thing when I was planning to have an HT. I was a diffuse thinner, some called me a NW5, but I had no totally bald areas. I was quoted 800 grafts. I though that was low but I didn't think I was bald enough for 3-4k worth of grafts. My 800 grafts was actually a 1600 fu strip doubled up. Bad move, it looked good where I had existing hair but was very unnatural looking where shock loss never returned. I should have had a 1,600 fu or more strip. I now have a total of 3,800 grafts and still need more. Your wallet might go before your donor hair. Expect your will be a NW5 or NW 6 and you can't go wrong.

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Some places like MHR have one number like 2,500 graft. If you have early hairloss you think wow I must really need a hairtransplant. If you are bald you think wow that will look great. Every time I went in with complications (complaints)I noticed the victim was getting 2,500 grafts. Everyone I have talked to that went to MHR got 2,500 grafts .They take out a 1" strip 10" long with a 4 bladed knife, cut up with whatever means available your "grafts" and throw away whatever is left.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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  • Senior Member

Most of the good surgeons do not have different variance of graft counts. They do count the grafts during surgery and usually give extra to the patient or if not enough- give a refund for the prepaid grafts. Most of the doctors will allow you to count when they put in the grafts-- some allow you to use your own counter.

Never go to a clinic that counts Hairs instead of FU's??????????

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