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Rogain and other consumable products after expensive transplant?

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I have been looking into hair restoration for years now and it seems to me that it is typically recommended to still use products like Propecia and Rogain after a transplant. About 5 years ago I went for a consultation and was told it would cost around $8000.00 for my transplant. If I was told that I would still need to use any one of these products after this expense, I would rather shave my head.


I would rather have a full head of hair but only if I were able to have it done and not have the burden of maintaining it with a consumable product that may not even be that effective in the first place.


I'd prefer to just go have the additional areas that have thinned over the years filled in with another procedure.


My hair loss has been really gradual over the last 15 years and I am thinning but not bald yet. The way it is going though, I will probably be bald when I am around 60. I'm now 45. That's just a guess.


I'd love to hear any feedback and experiences with this.

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I had a HT (my first) when I was 45, almost a year ago and I don't take any meds or use other useless hair products nor do I intend to in the future. I plan to have a second HT to cover as much area as possible with the donor I have left and leave it at that. I used Rogain before my HT and it only made things worse.

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Ive been using Minoxidil for about 10 years and its helped me.

Problem is your hair becomes dependant on it. If I stop using it I will probably shed like a frightened cat. But it does strengthen hair.


How's yours going PB?

Any updated pics?

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Im well thanks Spex. Hair coming in OK now at about 7 months. Needs to thicken up a bit and it will be nice.


PB's looking good.


Keep up the good work mate, you've been a great help to many.

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