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Which is the right dermatologist?

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Hey everyone,

im new here and have been having a problem with hairloss for about 5 years now, im 25 now and it all started when I decided to use hair relaxer cremes to straighten my very curly hair (which i so regret). I experienced burning of the scalp and never gave it much thought and developed irritations on my scalp later on which i never expected. soon followed by thinning hair and hairloss which I have slowly experienced until today.


It would seem that i have MPH but it is not. I want to get down to the source of my problem and find a solution, Im getting sick of it and I know its all my own fault for not tackling the issue when it first started, i was young, stupid, and unknowledgable.


im looking into finding the right dermatologist that can point me in the right direction and wont be a waste of time and can tell me exactly what my problem is, what else i can expect and the proper fix even if its bad enuff that I have to get hair transplantation.


anyone have any experiences with this type of hairloss due to chemical burn on the scalp?


also what spealty dermatogolist do i need to seek out? I have found this site.




that lists doctors in my area (long island,NY) and it asks what specialty im looking for, and I want him to be as experienced with my situation so im not wasting my time.


anyone that can help pllleeeeeease do! THANKS!!

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Hey everyone,

im new here and have been having a problem with hairloss for about 5 years now, im 25 now and it all started when I decided to use hair relaxer cremes to straighten my very curly hair (which i so regret). I experienced burning of the scalp and never gave it much thought and developed irritations on my scalp later on which i never expected. soon followed by thinning hair and hairloss which I have slowly experienced until today.


It would seem that i have MPH but it is not. I want to get down to the source of my problem and find a solution, Im getting sick of it and I know its all my own fault for not tackling the issue when it first started, i was young, stupid, and unknowledgable.


im looking into finding the right dermatologist that can point me in the right direction and wont be a waste of time and can tell me exactly what my problem is, what else i can expect and the proper fix even if its bad enuff that I have to get hair transplantation.


anyone have any experiences with this type of hairloss due to chemical burn on the scalp?


also what spealty dermatogolist do i need to seek out? I have found this site.




that lists doctors in my area (long island,NY) and it asks what specialty im looking for, and I want him to be as experienced with my situation so im not wasting my time.


anyone that can help pllleeeeeease do! THANKS!!

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  • Senior Member

Don't really know what kind of help you're asking for. While every case is different, there are many similarities. Have you ever just considered that regardless of creams and lotions you may be going bald? Baldness is a very funny condition. Over 90% of all sufferers are in denial until it is noticeable to others as well. I used to blame nutrition, lack of sleep, too much exercise, not enough exercise, type of shampoo, pulling my own hair out by grooming too much, my mother, my father, my maternal grandfather.....you get the point.


Go to a dermatologist. Then get a second opinion. When you call one up say..."Hello, do you treat conditions of hair loss and evaluate causes of hair loss."


It is all very simple. It is our emotional state that makes baffled. Denial. If you looked in the mirror and noticed a front tooth got knocked out, I doubt you'd be trolling forums for mysterious causes. HAIR LOSS SUCKS.

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thank you for your response. my concern was if anyone had a similiar situation. I understand the entire denial thing im sure everyone goes through that but im not blaming it on anything. but in case anyone had a similiar situation which type of dermatologist specialices on scalp conditions. there is a list of different kinds and i wanted to know which was best?

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  • Senior Member

Look. I understand. But my point was you have to start with some point of reference. You've been fiddling away while your hair went down the sink, for what, five years. Go to a dermatologist in your area that specializes in diseases or hair loss trauma to the scalp.


The best kind is the kind that helps you. But if you call they will tell you yes or no. No, I do feet and turkey necks. No scalps. Or, Yes, I do scalps. I do dandruff. I do baldness. Whatever.


If you decide to get a transplant then fly somewhere. No shortage of opinions there.


I'm not being rude but every once in awhile someone comes on here with a medical reason for hair loss. All the rest of us lost it the old fashion way, by going bald. You need to find out which one is you.


Traction alopecia, which your first post alludes to. I'm sure Long Island with all the hair chicks dyeing and frosting around Rockville Center, it's stirred up the need for a dermo that does Traction Alopecia.


Also consider anything extreme five years ago like a severe flu, mono etc. That could very well set off a cycle of alopecia areata. But also remember whether it be any of these, when did you stop using the creams, lotions and all that? What happened. Still losing?


Is the damage done? No help? It will either be very very easy or very hard to determine what's going on. You can spend thousands. But remember in your area, Dr. True doesn't need your business and won't try to sell you anything. But a couple of hundred bucks for his consultation would be well worthwhile. If it is one of the few bio/chemical-modified induced baldness cases I'm sure he'll hook you up with a local dermo.

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thank you, your help was very well received. im going to schedule an appointment with a dermatologiest asap. and look into dr true.


Reason why I ask for some guidance is because i had seen a dermatologist about a year ago and it was a general dermatologist. i felt he didnt really tell me what was going on as much as i would have wanted to know.


I received several scalp shots to relieve the scalp skin swelling and redness from the chemical burn and i was on clobetasol propionate and clindamycin phosphate for the scalp skin which did help, but nothing helping out with the hairloss.


so im going to find a dermatologist now that is more knowledgable that can tell me exactly whats going on.

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