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How bald will I be


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Is there a way to estimate how bald i may get in the future? Is there an age when hairloss slows down or stops? The hairloss comes from my mothers side of the family that I really dont know or see so I cant use them for refrence...my dad is 61 and has a full head of hair.



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Is there a way to estimate how bald i may get in the future? Is there an age when hairloss slows down or stops? The hairloss comes from my mothers side of the family that I really dont know or see so I cant use them for refrence...my dad is 61 and has a full head of hair.



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Unfortunately, hairloss is unpredictable. Family hairloss across the board can be used as a guide, but rarely predicts anything with any great certainty. Hairloss is genetic, but just because your father hasn't lost any hair, doesn't mean that you don't have the gene, etc.


I wish I had more positive information for you than that...but some people lose all the hair they are going to lose by 30, and others don't start losing hair until their 30s.


If you suspect you are starting to lose hair due to mpb, finasteride is your best bet to help you slow down or stop the loss.



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