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HT in Canada...US malpractice insurance?

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  • Regular Member

I've been thinking about getting an HT at a clinic in Canada and was quoted two different prices, one for Canadian citizens and one for US citizens. I was told the reason US citizens are charged more per graft, is because of the cost of US malpractice insurance. I'm curious though, why would they need malpractice insurance if they're operating strictly in the US? Because I'm sure they also operate on patients from other nations as well. Is it not possible to just sign a waiver stating that I waive all right to file suit against the doctors? Just seems odd to me..

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  • Regular Member

I've been thinking about getting an HT at a clinic in Canada and was quoted two different prices, one for Canadian citizens and one for US citizens. I was told the reason US citizens are charged more per graft, is because of the cost of US malpractice insurance. I'm curious though, why would they need malpractice insurance if they're operating strictly in the US? Because I'm sure they also operate on patients from other nations as well. Is it not possible to just sign a waiver stating that I waive all right to file suit against the doctors? Just seems odd to me..

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Americans are commonly generalized as "lawsuit happy" and since some Canadian clinics advertise in the states they are required by their provider to pay the premiums that would cover non-Canadians. The extra overhead for these premiums is staggering compared to what is paid for Canadian citizens. It literally costs us fifty times more for non-Canadians. I understand your position but signing a waiver would be useless in the eyes of the insurance companies and the premiums would still be in place.

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