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Continue Propecia or Not


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Hello All


I've been on propecia for 4 months and have seen more hair loss than before.My top scalp look worse, its more visible. I know there can be shedding but this going on 4 eva. When I rub my fingers on my scalp I pick 3-4 hairs. My scalp is gone really oily.


I really dont know if there is any benifit if using this.Can people on propecia tell me if they seen any regrowth or any benifit.


I am thinking to stop this for reason a) gone worse than before b) the side affects.


Please advice

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Hello All


I've been on propecia for 4 months and have seen more hair loss than before.My top scalp look worse, its more visible. I know there can be shedding but this going on 4 eva. When I rub my fingers on my scalp I pick 3-4 hairs. My scalp is gone really oily.


I really dont know if there is any benifit if using this.Can people on propecia tell me if they seen any regrowth or any benifit.


I am thinking to stop this for reason a) gone worse than before b) the side affects.


Please advice

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  • Senior Member

Hi Restoria,


Shedding with propecia for the first few months is normal. It is actually supposed to be a good sign that the propecia is working. After 6mths to 12 months these hairs will regrow stronger and hopefully thicken. Although stabilisation is probably the main benefit from propecia.


Unless the side effects are bad you should stick with propecia for 12 mths and evaluate the progress/benefit then. Make sure you take some baseline pics now and every 3mths for comparison.


May also be an idea to add rogain foam/minox to your regime to encourage regrowth.

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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  • Regular Member

I wouldn't quit. I've been on it the same amount of time and have experienced mild shedding, but nothing major. Everybody reacts differently, so stick with it or you'll have even less in a few years.

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  • Senior Member

Sometimes you need to give the Propecia 6 months to a full year before evaluating results. The real reason to stop the drug would be side effects. If you are not experiencing any, I think it is in your best interest to hang on until the year mark.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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