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I have been using Finapecia (1mg) since Aug 2007. I still have hair fall. Is there any way put here? Should there be any increase in the dosage or shud I be taking 2mg? I am from India and should I be changing to finax, rather than Finapecia?

Please advice.

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I too from INDIA. I am also facing hair problem.I am using Finasteride(after searching in net)since couple of weaks.y cont u try with this?


I am planning 2 take Hair Transplantation in INDIA.If u know any good doctors.Can u please let me know .

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annavaram and hairloss123,


Hair shedding can be normal up to 50-100 hairs daily. See the normal hair growth cycle. The question is, is your hair getting thinner? Finpecia (or Propecia which contains finasteride) sometimes takes some time to work which is why it is recommended to use it for at least 1 year before giving up. The best way to determine whether or not it is working for you is to take quarterly (or monthly if you want more data) pictures and compare them to see if your hair is getting worse (possible sign of it not working), staying the same or improving (both signs that finasteride could be working).


I hope this helps.



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