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scar revision

Guest brent

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Just wondering a bit about scar revision in the donar area. If you go get the procedure done to make the scar smaller using the new method(s), is recovery time(working out,etc.) the same as if you got another transplant? Do they have to shave alot of the donar area or can they leave as is?

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Just wondering a bit about scar revision in the donar area. If you go get the procedure done to make the scar smaller using the new method(s), is recovery time(working out,etc.) the same as if you got another transplant? Do they have to shave alot of the donar area or can they leave as is?

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If you go get the procedure done to make the scar smaller using the new method(s), is recovery time(working out,etc.)





The new methods aren't much of an improvement, if any at all, over the old methods. They are just being sold as such.


More about your scar would be nice. Length, width, location, raised/flat, when you had it done?


You could possibly graft the scar, using FUE extraction methods. This depends on the characteristics of the scar. If you are able to have FUE done, go to a doctor that specializes in such a procedure and wants to do such a procedure. No part-time fue docs!


Healing/downtime is the same with strip excision revision as with the regular strip HT. The actual strip is the cause of so much needed healing/downtime.


Research revision/fue carefully and pick the right doc. The best thing to do is meet with them in person. It is inconvenient to do this but it will save you money in the long run.

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If you're just wanting to get scar revision, I guess it really depends on how bad it is at present. Are you having difficulty covering it or wanting to clip it shorter and not have it show?


I can tell you, having standard donor closure then having trichophytic closure method for my 2nd HT that trichophytic is better because the hair grows through the scar. I can clip down to a #3-4 guard (around 1/2") without the scar being detectable.............but everyone heals different so there are no guarantees. The scar from my first HT was much more visable and I really needed 3/4" - 1" length to totally cover it, especially due to some shock loss in different areas that didn't come back. Fortunately, after the 2nd HT any shocked hair around the donor came back it is has healed well.


Landen has a good recommendation as well with the potential of FUE into the scar. I've seen results of such that look pretty good. If I were in your shoes I'd take some pics of your current scar and send them around to some of the top Docs for a consult. Or, better yet, visit them in person so they can have a "birds-eye" view. A good surgeon can give the best advice as for trichophytic closure, FUE or maybe stand pat! icon_smile.gif



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Thanks for the info . I just had a 3rd procedure done a few weeks ago(alvi) to fill in a few thin areas. He suggested to come back(four or so months after this procedure) and he would fix the old scar. I usually always have my hair(which is thicker and wavy) a couple inches long in the back anyways, so you can only tell if you really part the hair. With this new procedure being done I guess ill have to see if its worse or the same.

Its about half an inch wide(As I can tell). The doc said its" pretty wide", not like massive or anything. I just wonder if the methods are that advanced that i will have an option to cut it short( also with the hair growth pattern being interrupted with a scar) or if my hair is longer then dont go through the hassle. Ill let this procedure heal and see what happens

Thanks again guys

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FUE as an option to fix a scar that becomes evident due to temple recession is what you had mentioned. I replied by explaining that the scar shouldn't have been extended to that region, and FUE should not be used as a safety net for ill placed scars.


That is a big difference, pal. Think before you speak and apply the name hypocrite.


Next time save the drama and don't hijack threads.

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The thread that you brought up pertained to placement of the scar. Go back to it if you have such a short memory. You are the one that brought it up. Go back and look at my response to you. I said a scar should not have been placed there. I SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE SUCCESS OF FUE IN SCARS OR IT NOT BEING AN OPTION.


Lets talk about FUE success in scars. It has unpredictable yield. Some scars yield well, others don't. This is why it should not be used as a safety net, for potential bad scarring or in the case that you brought up, scars that may be in a region that may become evident in time due to recession.


I know we are discussing options in this thread. I gave the guy options and sound advice. When you hijacked the thread for the self-serving drama, it pertained to a thread that discussed placement of scar and using FUE as a safety net.

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As for self-serving drama vs. calling a spade a spade I'll let that go.


Once again: The thread is on the 7700 graft case.


The thread that you brought up pertained to placement of the scar. Go back to it if you have such a short memory. You are the one that brought it up. Go back and look at my response to you. I said a scar should not have been placed there. I SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE SUCCESS OF FUE IN SCARS OR IT NOT BEING AN OPTION.


Had I said FUE is not an option in that thread, then you would be calling a "spade a spade."


But, I did not say that. Therefore, this is nothing but "self -serving drama" for you.


Now, quit being an ass.

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