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1941 FUE procedure, march 24, prohairclinic


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Remind me, are you on Propecia to help prevent future loss?


Honestly, looking at your head from the top down view appears as if you have hair miniaturization all over the top of your scalp. It could be an illusion due to the top of your hair possibly being shorter than the sides or a flash, but I would consider getting a confirmation from a dermatologist or your hair restoration physician.


Best wishes,



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well, i think it is a combination of the flash and sunlight hitting my head while taking the pics, here are 2 without a flash but with sunlight, where the light hits my head directly, it appears so but it isnt, hope this pics show this better.


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I also have a question about your recommended doctor-list. What are the requirements to join? Because i was browsing the list of recommended docs over here in Belgium and there is 1 doc in particular that has a bad reputation. Do they have to proof their skill with patient pictures and such to join, or are they added immediately and cal only lose their recommended status by bad reports? Just wondering...

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Which doctor are you referring to?


In order to become recommended, physicians must meet our high level of membership standards. Our process consists of a detailed private interview, private and public evaluation of a collection of patient and surgical photos (many of which are posted on this forum for member review), and patient member input. Pat Hennessey will also travel to visit with these clinics to observe and evaluate live surgery. This is an additional requirement to make it into the Coalition.


I hope this helps.



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