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Increased shedding immediately after finesteride usage.


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Hi, I have been on generic finesteride for about four weeks now and have noticed a great increase in shedding. The shedding has been going on almost immediately after use (maybe the third or fourth day or first week). I have heard that this is a great response but only if it is after the second month. Otherwise it could be a "hypoandrogenic" effect as noted by a website (However, wouldn't hypo, being the opposite of hyper, be a good thing? Hyperandrogenic meaning more DHT? It would be great if someone could clear this up). Some days I would lose about 15-20 hairs in the shower but on average atleast 5-10. I would also find strands on my pillow in the morning. My question is should I be concerned or ride this out?


If it helps, I am a 22 year old male with a NW2 pattern and have noticed hair loss for the past year.

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Hi, I have been on generic finesteride for about four weeks now and have noticed a great increase in shedding. The shedding has been going on almost immediately after use (maybe the third or fourth day or first week). I have heard that this is a great response but only if it is after the second month. Otherwise it could be a "hypoandrogenic" effect as noted by a website (However, wouldn't hypo, being the opposite of hyper, be a good thing? Hyperandrogenic meaning more DHT? It would be great if someone could clear this up). Some days I would lose about 15-20 hairs in the shower but on average atleast 5-10. I would also find strands on my pillow in the morning. My question is should I be concerned or ride this out?


If it helps, I am a 22 year old male with a NW2 pattern and have noticed hair loss for the past year.

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