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Worried about post-op recovery. Any advice?


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I just found this BB and joined today. Unfortunately it might have been a little late. I had my first HT in late August of this year. The surgery was performed in Chicago with a Bosley Doctor. I am currently a little over two months into my recovery and have not noticed any growth. The donar sites remain the same with the original coarse stubble that was placed by the doctor. I also have sore bumps on my head that the tecs at Bosley advised me were in grown hairs. Can anyone shed some light on what is going on with my recovery?

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I just found this BB and joined today. Unfortunately it might have been a little late. I had my first HT in late August of this year. The surgery was performed in Chicago with a Bosley Doctor. I am currently a little over two months into my recovery and have not noticed any growth. The donar sites remain the same with the original coarse stubble that was placed by the doctor. I also have sore bumps on my head that the tecs at Bosley advised me were in grown hairs. Can anyone shed some light on what is going on with my recovery?

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  • Regular Member

Dear Thinner


You may be alright with the Bosley HT but many people are not. At 2 months you are still too early to see any growth but it should be starting at least by 3 months. The ingrown hairs are a small complication with HT's and are nothing too worry about. Check the surgeons section: there is advice there from a doctor on how to treat them. I'd give the whole thing a little more time. Who was your doctor? If things don't turn out ok you should definitely consult with one of the top docs on this site.

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  • Senior Member

Dont worry too much. The bumps you are refering to are probably ingrown hairs not impacted grafts ,like I have. And you at least did'nt end up getting an MHR butcher playing surgeon with your head.You will more than likely be ok , another plus is that Bosley doesn't do a megabotch on evey patient that walks in the door wether they need it or not like MHR is trained to do.So even if it is not what you expected you will have less to deal with.You will probably be alright .

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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  • Regular Member

Bosley is a major Hack. Good luck.


Bosley butchered me back in 1985. I have a website dedicated to getting Bosley closed down.


Every day or two, another Bosley patient finds me and tells me their horror story with bosley.


They visited bosley as early as 1975, and as late as last month.


Good Luck.


P.S. Check out these websites, they are organizations dedicated to getting Bosley closed down.


READ THIS: http://www.bosleymedicalviolations.com/


AND THIS: http://www.bosleymedical.com/report1.htm


[This message was edited by Ken belanger on October 04, 2003 at 05:48 PM.]


[This message was edited by Ken belanger on October 04, 2003 at 05:49 PM.]

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  • Senior Member



As stated above, give it time and it does sound like ingrown hairs. The first few months are the worst. I think we all re-considered our surgery decision at least once in that timeframe before our results became readily apparent.


You should start seeing things take off at the 4-6 month mark. From there on, you'll have a better indication of your success and whether any additional work might be in your future.


Best wishes,




Mr. T's 5-month post-op pictures

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I know how you feel towards Bosley and a majority of us forum members will totally agree that their practices aren't the best when considering a procedure such as this. But I do have one simple question to ask. Do you really think that your outcome would have been any different any where else at that time when techniques were that bad? I saw your results and think that's due to poor techinques back in the 80's. That's just my .02 I think you may be a little too quick to tell a guy his results will be poor. I've seen some decent work by a Bosley technician, so they're not all bad, you just have to have the right one. We need to help him through his worries, not make them worse. Maybe he got a good one...

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