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Dutasteride (Avodart) Vs. Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar)

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Which is better for treating hair loss?


Dutasteride (Avodart) is used to treat enlarged prostate and help with prostate cancer reduction. It is also approved to treat male patter baldness but, not in the US.


While dutasteride is officially approved to treat enlargement of the prostate gland, Clinical trials for dutasteride as a hair loss drug were undertaken, but called off in late 2002. The reason the trials were called off is not publicly known. Industry sources speculate that Avodart would have been seen as too similar to Propecia to have proved profitable as a hair loss treatment. However, phase II results indicated that dutasteride 2.5mg generated a superior hair count to finasteride 5mg at 12 and 24 weeks.


Finasteride is identified as a 5-alpha reductase (type 2) inhibitor. This means that it inhibits the action of 5-alpha reductase (type 2), one of the two forms of the enzyme. Dutasteride, a more recently developed drug, inhibits the action of both forms of the enzyme: type 1 5-alpha reductase and type 2 5-alpha reductase. Dutasteride is currently approved by the FDA for use in the medical treatment of BPH under the brand name Avodart. While dutasteride has been used in other countries for treatment of MPHL, it has not yet received FDA approval for that use in the United States. Clinical trials of dutasteride as a treatment for MPHL are currently underway in the U.S., and investigators have reported successful outcomes.


Propecia contains 1mg of Finasteride while Proscar contains 5mg of Finasteride; However, Propecia is more commonly used.


I can get either of the three without a problem. I just want to know which is best for treating hairloss? Any comments?


Thank you to everybody for all your help!

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  • Regular Member

Which is better for treating hair loss?


Dutasteride (Avodart) is used to treat enlarged prostate and help with prostate cancer reduction. It is also approved to treat male patter baldness but, not in the US.


While dutasteride is officially approved to treat enlargement of the prostate gland, Clinical trials for dutasteride as a hair loss drug were undertaken, but called off in late 2002. The reason the trials were called off is not publicly known. Industry sources speculate that Avodart would have been seen as too similar to Propecia to have proved profitable as a hair loss treatment. However, phase II results indicated that dutasteride 2.5mg generated a superior hair count to finasteride 5mg at 12 and 24 weeks.


Finasteride is identified as a 5-alpha reductase (type 2) inhibitor. This means that it inhibits the action of 5-alpha reductase (type 2), one of the two forms of the enzyme. Dutasteride, a more recently developed drug, inhibits the action of both forms of the enzyme: type 1 5-alpha reductase and type 2 5-alpha reductase. Dutasteride is currently approved by the FDA for use in the medical treatment of BPH under the brand name Avodart. While dutasteride has been used in other countries for treatment of MPHL, it has not yet received FDA approval for that use in the United States. Clinical trials of dutasteride as a treatment for MPHL are currently underway in the U.S., and investigators have reported successful outcomes.


Propecia contains 1mg of Finasteride while Proscar contains 5mg of Finasteride; However, Propecia is more commonly used.


I can get either of the three without a problem. I just want to know which is best for treating hairloss? Any comments?


Thank you to everybody for all your help!

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  • Senior Member

You mean either of the "two", right? icon_wink.gif


gallup56 - not making light of your question, but if you'll use the find feature here you'll find more discussion threads on this topic than you can shake a stick at.


It comes down to this - it's purely a personal choice. Each has shown to be effective against hairloss. Since Duasteride inhibits 5AR type II and type I, and Finasteride only type I, it stands to reason more DHT will be blocked with Duasteride.


Each come with the risk of sides..........Dut maybe a little more but people have reacted to them differently so the only way you'll know how "you" react is if you try them.


One key point to mention is that it really is a lifelong commitment with your choice because any hair you keep or regrow because of them will be lost if you quit. So, I encourage each person to do some soul-searching before jumping in.


It took me a couple of years research and thought to become comfortable taking Fin but I'm glad I did because I did react positively to it.


Best of luck -



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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