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Dandruff Shampoo

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I'm two weeks post-op and thought I was doing fine until I began to psych myself out. I recently inquired (from the doctor's office) when I can start to apply water pressure from my shower head on the graft site area. I also inquired whether there was any particular shampoo the institute recommended. Aside from recommending a salon style shampoo, the institute suggested I not use dandruff shampoo for another month. Unfortunately dandruff shampoo is the only type of shampoo that I've been using since the procedure. Perhaps my stress is unwarranted; however, can anyone provide me with any insight/expertise as what harm I may have exposed my grafts to by using "dandruff shampoo"?


Unfortunately shampoo types were not provided in the post-op instruction do's & don'ts.

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You are probably OK, do not worry. Which dandruff shampoo were you on by the way?


I am surprised these questions were not answered for you prior to them coming up. Your post op instructions should tell you when you can use shower pressure. Once the scabs are off which I assume are off by now, you should not be in any danger from the shower pressure. I would use light shower pressure if possible anyway in the first two or three weeks.


Maybe someone else here can expand on any possible dandruff shampoo dangers, the clinic is probably erring on the safe side in the recommendation.





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I'm embarrassed to admit that I was using "Bosely's Volumizing Dandruff Shampoo." I had my first two procedures done at Bosley, but went with another, more reputable doctor (credit goes to this website). Bosley's shampoo is actually pretty good stuff.


This morning was the first time I applied light water pressure on my grafts since the procedure. Before this morning I was still using a cup to wet and rinse my hair. Save a few, my scabs have yet to fall off as I'm a bit concerned of applying to much pressure on the top of my head. Speaking of which, when the graft hairs do fall out, I assume they will include the root/bulb/end of the hair?

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Do not be embarrassed to admit even going to Bosley, many of us here F-ed up at one time or another regarding our hair loss. I had plugs done in the 1980s which I would have never done had the internet been available. Luckily I had the smaller ones and they were not placed to low. I had repair work done which turned out pretty good, now I am waiting for my next time in January for more density and some additional reduction of some old plugs.


Be patient in letting your scabs come off and the cups of water and light shower will not hurt. Do not be alarmed if the end of the hair that falls has a bulb on the end, it does not mean the hair will not come back , it will.


Get off the Boz stuff and try maybe Nizoral combined with Nioxin between, do a search on these and you will find they have dht blocking properties directly on the scalp. I assume you are on Propecia/minox?


Good luck!





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Congratulations for getting through the Bosley experience unscathed. Aside from a relatively high donor scar and some careless graft placement, I too should be okay in the long run. Unfortunately it appears I have maxed out at a total of 6600 grafts; I'll just have to wait until hair cloning advances to the next level.

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