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Need your opinion!!!!


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Guys, I have been following this site for some time already; I am specially interested about your opinion about my picture. I think I am a norwood 4 going to 5-6. I am 35 years old and had a procedure with bosley!!!, yes I know I was an idiot, currently I am considering a HT only for the frontpart of my head. I started on proscar 3 months ago and will stick on it as it seems that my hair lost has considerably slow down,,,, can any of the vet give me a sincere opinion? , can I have good results even after the bosley scam???; please let me know yoor opinions,

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  • Regular Member

Guys, I have been following this site for some time already; I am specially interested about your opinion about my picture. I think I am a norwood 4 going to 5-6. I am 35 years old and had a procedure with bosley!!!, yes I know I was an idiot, currently I am considering a HT only for the frontpart of my head. I started on proscar 3 months ago and will stick on it as it seems that my hair lost has considerably slow down,,,, can any of the vet give me a sincere opinion? , can I have good results even after the bosley scam???; please let me know yoor opinions,

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  • Senior Member

Pictures are deceiving, and the best way to judge is in person. So you can only get limited feedback, but "yes" I think you can definitely get some real improvement. How much improvement depends on a few different factors.


How much donor area has been damaged (or not damaged). Do you have grafts that really need to be removed and revised. Are you going to pick a top doctor next time.


If I were you, I would try to figure out which doctor (or doctors) seem to be the best, and discuss this with them. It looks like your hair is coarse and wiry (?), which is good for coverage.


Big thumbs-up for getting on Finasteride. Hopefully you can stop your hair loss from progressing, which is crucial to getting the best results with your HT.


In my opinion, yes, you could have a major improvement. Do yourself a favor and go with a top clinic, even if you have to travel. You need to get this right the first time if possible, and especially in your case you can't afford to have someone make mistakes.


How many grafts do you currently have? Tell us a little more about your HT history, (and another angle photo would be nice.)

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Since we have no pre-HT photos it is impossible to evaluate your results, however, it is possible to say that frontal restoration should be predictable. The frontal forelock pattern is the safest pattern for those who may loose more hair, at least substantially more in the future. This may likely happen in a 35 year old male but is not absolutely certain to happen. The medical therapy program of Nizoral shampoo, Rogaine, and Propecia would be strongly recommended prophylactically against further loss.


If you are planning to do the frontal area you could guess that it would require 1000-2000 follicular unit grafts to create a reasonable cosmetic density.


I hope this helps.


BLL/jac icon_wink.gif


Dr. Limmer

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  • Regular Member

Guys, thanks for your feedback. Arfy I had my HT 2 years ago, I had 900 mini /micro grafts done in my hairline only, unfortunately I have no before pictures, but I am sure that less 50% of those grafts really survive, even more I shed more hair than I really think I gain with that HT. I am attaching another picture of my hairline.


Doc. limmer thanks for your reply as well I will certainly consider your advise for the combo finasteride/minoxidil/nizoral, can you give me a more specific advise on how often I could use nizoral, and if the use of minoxidil once a day together with the combo could work, thanks


[This message was edited by Tioto on March 04, 2004 at 08:03 PM.]

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Nizoral can be a little drying, so most will only use it 2-3 times per week, leaving it on a few minutes, and then rinse it out. Rogaine is best used 2 times per day. You need to get it on the scalp to work; applying it to the hair is of no value. The new applicator found on the branded Rogaine makes it more convenient to use and easier to get down to the skin.


Brad Limmer, MD/jac



Dr. Limmer

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