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A few questions and a doctor in Ohio

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I have recently been considering going for a consultation for a hair transplant. I live in Ohio and wanted to know if there was a recommended doctor in the area.


Also, although I still have hair on top, right now I am thinning on the crown and I have a receding hairline. Is this something that would all be done at once or over multiple appointments.


If I was able to take 3 weeks off work, what would my head look like when I went back? I know it would not be grown in, but would it be worse than it currently is with the thinning spots?


Does a transplant patient need to continue to take medications like Propecia after the procedure?


Thanks for any info.

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I have recently been considering going for a consultation for a hair transplant. I live in Ohio and wanted to know if there was a recommended doctor in the area.


Also, although I still have hair on top, right now I am thinning on the crown and I have a receding hairline. Is this something that would all be done at once or over multiple appointments.


If I was able to take 3 weeks off work, what would my head look like when I went back? I know it would not be grown in, but would it be worse than it currently is with the thinning spots?


Does a transplant patient need to continue to take medications like Propecia after the procedure?


Thanks for any info.

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  • Senior Member

Dr. Haber is the recommended doctor in Ohio. If you close to Detroit i would also recommend Dr. Tessler.


You would most likely be able to get it all in one surgery.


3 weeks should be plenty of time to have your head look presentable. If you have a decent amount of hair right now you should be able to conceal it entirely.


it is highly recommended you continue taking finasteride after the surgery. it will slow or stop further progression, and may help the new hairs grow in quicker and thicker, although that is just a theory.

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Thanks for the quick response. Detroit is about 3 hours away, Cleveland is about 45 minutes. I wouldn't mind going to Detroit but are there a lot of follow up appointments that would require me to go there all the time?

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  • Senior Member

In Ohio, Drs Wolf and Haber are considered tops. You should consult with both to see if they shave the recipient area and how quickly they think you'll be back to presentable form. Best of luck in your research.

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by LQQKOUT:

but are there a lot of follow up appointments that would require me to go there all the time?


Unless you have complications, you might not need to go back to your surgeon for quite a while. In my case, I return to NYC for a 10 month follow up. The follow up is to determine any future course of action.


Most post-op care can be done from afar. The main issue is suture/staple removal. A recent thread posted here (do a search for "suture removal") revealed that patients in this community followed a continuum from removing them themselves to having a local doctor/nurse do the honors.


So I suggest you base your decision more on your preference for doctor and not distance.


As our members have noted, you have some great ones in your area.


Good luck!

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