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2 Month update :-)

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2 months ago, at the ripe age of 20 years old, i had a hair transplant into my temples with Dr Feller. It's all going well so far, with new hair coming through nicely. I kept about 25% of my transplanted hairs and shed the rest after about a month. I'm now at the stage where i was at pre-op and if you look at the picture i've attached, looking at me you wouldn't know i've had anything done. The donor area is nicely healed and my hairdresser didn't even realise there was a scar there (thankfully i hardly scar at all). Bring on the next few months and new growth :-)


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  • Regular Member

2 months ago, at the ripe age of 20 years old, i had a hair transplant into my temples with Dr Feller. It's all going well so far, with new hair coming through nicely. I kept about 25% of my transplanted hairs and shed the rest after about a month. I'm now at the stage where i was at pre-op and if you look at the picture i've attached, looking at me you wouldn't know i've had anything done. The donor area is nicely healed and my hairdresser didn't even realise there was a scar there (thankfully i hardly scar at all). Bring on the next few months and new growth :-)

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Welcome to our community.


20 years old is very young for an HT. Though your picture is from a distance, from the look of your picture, it doesn't appear to me that you've lost any hair. So I'm kind of wondering why you had an HT at all?


We have had numerous discussions about it here as to what makes a good candidate and the risks that go along with young people having an HT. BUT, I also respect and trust Dr. Feller's judgement in planning for your long term well being.


But since you've posted a picture, I hope you, Dr. Feller, or Spex will be wiling to share more about your case.


1. How many grafts did you receive?

2. Where were the grafts placed?

3. What did you want to accomplish with this surgery?

4. What are you doing to attempt to prevent future hair loss?

5. In the event you lose more hair, what is Dr. Feller's long term strategy in attacking your hair loss?

6. Do you have any before/immediately post op pictures you can post for us (close up high resolution photos would be helpful).





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  • Regular Member

1. How many grafts did you receive?

2. Where were the grafts placed?

3. What did you want to accomplish with this surgery?

4. What are you doing to attempt to prevent future hair loss?

5. In the event you lose more hair, what is Dr. Feller's long term strategy in attacking your hair loss?

6. Do you have any before/immediately post op pictures you can post for us (close up high resolution photos would be helpful).








I've already been through this in a previous post but i'll go through it again...


1)About 1800 graft

2) Into the temple region

3). I wanted my temples to be filled in so that i had a pretty straight hairline.

4)I am taking Propecia daily, which i have been for over a year and has brought my hairloss to a halt.

5) The hairline that Dr Feller created is such that if i do lose any more hair then it will look natural.

6) I only have a couple of very close up post op pics


With reference to your comment, i am losing my hair. I've had a receeding hairline for a few years now, but Propecia has brought any further loss to a halt. I'd become very self conscious about the lack of hair at the temples so i got this filled in. Although the photo i attached may look like i'm not losing any hair, it is just the way that my hair is cut that hides it.




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Sorry if you've been through that before. Who knows...maybe I'm the one who asked similar questions to you...probably am icon_wink.gif. But there are a LOT of threads and it's difficult to keep up with them all UNLESS the poster uses the same thread they originated in to give updates OR links their new thread to their old thread. So I'd advise that you consider linking your threads by posting links back and forth to each one.


Thanks for the information though.


Personally, I'm a bit against restoring temples on younger patients when hair loss is so unpredictable. Hopefully though, finasteride will continue to work for you and you won't lose a lot more hair.


In younger patients, I'm about planning for worst case scenerio which means planning ultra-conservatively. As you get older, one can then plan more definitively once a hair loss pattern emerges. Grafts can then be used more liberally in the areas that are needed to be filled in, whether you go for extreme dense packing of specific areas OR overall coverage if you end up a higher norwood level.


1800 grafts, however, is not a lot...so you should have plenty of grafts in the event you experience further loss.


I look forward to seeing your results.



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