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all 5's go to 6 !?!?

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  • Senior Member

If I was a 5 and heading to a 6, and over time I thin some more, won't I get a Halo ? My Doc doesn't think the sides will drop, only go back some. Look at Pat, he was 5, could his sides drop. Planning for the future.

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  • Senior Member

If I was a 5 and heading to a 6, and over time I thin some more, won't I get a Halo ? My Doc doesn't think the sides will drop, only go back some. Look at Pat, he was 5, could his sides drop. Planning for the future.

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  • Regular Member

It's difficult to guarantee that you will not bald further on the sides. The balding process is continuous but it certainly can be controlled to a large extent with meds such as Propecia and Rogaine.


Many factors play a role in trying to predict the extent of your baldness. One has to consider things such as your age, rate of balding, family history etc.


It is important for the physician to plan for the worst case scenario.Careful planning for the future is crucial.


If you are a type 5 going to a 6 one needs to evaluate the donor area( density, caliber of hair etc) very carefully.If it seems that you are going to have adequate donor then even if you began to develop a halo there may be enough donor to remedy the situation. In general the best approach is conservative; high hairline, limited surface area to cover and concentrate on the forntal one third to one half before tackling the crown




Paul T. Rose, MD, JD

President ISHRS

Board of Trustees ISCLS


Dr. Paul Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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