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gus hansen

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Everything posted by gus hansen

  1. Hi Capricorn, PLEASE do yourself the favor of picking the right doctor the first time. Pick one of the top docs recommended on this site. I cant stress this enough! DO NOT pick a random doc from India. You will regret it for the rest of your life. Or atleast when you have to do the following repairjobs. ty
  2. hey bro, sorry to hear about your story. Just wanted to make sure that theres no confusion. Dr. E. E could very well be confused with another dr. J. E (Jeffrey Epstien). Just wanted to clear this up as dr. Jeffrey Epstien is a Very skilled doctor. Must admit that your first post scared the shit out of me as I'm 2 month out of surgery with dr. J. Epstien. But now I get it
  3. By the way. The crusts are all gone now which I really couldnt have imagined. Thought it would have taken longer. The donar scar is a little sore but I laugh at that. gus
  4. Hi Neptune, I will try to post some pics. But havent got a decent camera at the moment. About the redness its soon all gone, atleast I think it will soon be totally gone. I have followed the post op instructions to the max exept that I smoke some cigarettes. But was told it wasnt harmfull. I have also started rubbing aloo vera on my recipient site whis seems to help alot. All I can say at the moment is that you should NOT worry about anything whin going to dr. E. Just see it as a great lifechanging experience. It might take some time before you redness is totally gone. But in my book this is a VERY small price to pay. Also, the staff at dr. E are great people. Believe it or not I actually had fun during the prociedure. How about that U will definitely have a great experience aswell. gus
  5. @rjvw Looking good my man. Already there is a great difference to your look. Think it will look great when it all grows out. And ofourse it will look completely natural. I will post some pics when I see some results. gus
  6. Hi gang, Have just reciever a transplant at dr. Jeffrey Epstien. Its been 12 days now and all I can say is WOW. Eventhough I can not see the results yet I know that the results will be great and 100% natural. I mean it when I say 100% natural! I can only give my finest recommendations for Dr. E. I write this on my own behalf. This is because I have an urge to communicate my positive experience. I cant say anything about the skills of other doctors mentioned. The only thing I am 100% sure of is that dr. E besides being a extremely skilled surgeon is nothing less than an artist in this field. If u have any questions aout dr. E let me know. gus
  7. Hi gang, Have just reciever a transplant at dr. Jeffrey Epstien. Its been 12 days now and all I can say is WOW. Eventhough I can not see the results yet I know that the results will be great and 100% natural. I mean it when I say 100% natural! I can only give my finest recommendations for Dr. E. I write this on my own behalf. This is because I have an urge to communicate my positive experience. I cant say anything about the skills of other doctors mentioned. The only thing I am 100% sure of is that dr. E besides being a extremely skilled surgeon is nothing less than an artist in this field. If u have any questions aout dr. E let me know. gus
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