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Everything posted by Cyberdud

  1. Hi all. This is a great site for information about hair loss. I want to thank all who have contributed for such open and frank dialogue. I am glad I found you. I am noticing a few common themes in much of the discussion, and so have a few questions. To provide some initial background, I am 38 years old and have been losing my hair since I was 18. I am a 5A on the hair loss scale and have never taken any medications (topical or otherwise) for my hair loss. I have a wonderful wife of over 15 years who, like me, would rather I had hair but is not terribly disturbed by the fact that I don't. I have just recently been considering taking action on my hair loss, though I do not yet know what that action may or may not be. I may simply shave my head and call it good. However, if given my preference I would have hair and so have started researching. My initial research has lead me here. My questions are: 1) It seems that many (dare I say most) on the site are on current regimens of various medication. I am currently on none, and am not particularly interested in starting. Are they truly necessary? If I ultimately decide on HT surgery, should I expect having to take hair loss medication thereafter? 2) Many on this site have had multiple HT surgeries. I am curious as to why. Is that due to additional hair loss, perhaps from having the first surgery too soon? Or is that the "norm"? At 38 and already a 5A how much additional hair loss should I expect? I am not a big fan of any type of surgery and would hate to find myself in the position where I have to return in a few years time. 3) Dr. Shapiro appears to be a forum favorite. Can anyone provide any reason why someone in my position should not speak with him? As has been mentioned, many great physicians occasionally have poor results due to circumstances beyond their control. Has that yet happened with Dr. Shapiro?
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