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Posts posted by kevkristy

  1. I'll beg to differ with hairthere.


    I think it is others who are changing the goalposts here.


    Check this thread out.



    Bill states that the average at 9 months 90% growth. There's also a nice timeline from Robert_. He pretty much echoes these sentiments. Post 9 months is mostly maturation, hair shaft thickening.


    So I don't think it is unreasonable to take an inventory at 9 months. At all!

  2. TTDS

    There are a few in here who say that even full growth at 2500 will not make a difference.


    I mean how carried away are we getting? 2500 was a mega session not too long ago, and people were raving on this site. Now it's nothing?


    Go to Epsteins website. Most of his patients are in the 2-3K range.


    Did you discuss your goals with Epstein?


    Did you leave it up to Epstein to dictate grafts re: goals?


    Did Epstein tell you this will make little difference in your look?


    Did Epstein tell you you had a limited number of available grafts?


    I'm in your exact situation, at 6 months, and I'll be damned if I'm going to be told AFTER the expense and long wait that "oh... by the way you actually wont get an illusion of density" unless you have a certain amount of grafts.


    If that's the case, then this should be fully disclosed prior to surgery.


    Keep us informed on your progress with growth and what doc says. I will do same. I really hope we are just slow growers.


  3. TTDS

    I don't care if you were smooth bald. This is not cosmetically acceptable. Period.


    You either A.) We not given enough grafts or B.) Had an unsuccessful procedure.


    Who's fault is that?


    Bottomline: You paid a lot of money. You altered your entire lifestyle. And this is what you get?


    The goalposts need to stop being moved. Nine months is ample time to judge.


    Keep us informed on your battle.


  4. Hi Spex

    Good point.. I did no get shaved. And I feel I had some decent shock loss. At about 2 months I had less than pre op. The 6 day is straight out of shower.


    Does shock loss come back? Or is it a case of losing x amount from shock loss and gaining x amount from transplant. And then all being wash?


    Thanks. -K

  5. Thanks to all for comments... I'll tell you, I'm not expert here. So the comments on density I'll pass. Althouth the doctor is one of the top docs on this site, probably top 3 in terms of hairline artistry, frontal area. Or so says the public opinion.


    He claims the 2400 grafts were "packed" in at a fairly small coverage area (we went conservative, didn't lower hairline at all and only frontal third).


    I don't want to name the doc because I feel he'll back up work 100%, and I feel it will only cause unwarranted bad exposure for him at this point. Obviously if it doesn't grow in and he doesn't back it up to my liking, then I'll release name, only to help others.


    I feel that is only fair.


    Updates to come (any growth, doc feedback, etc).


    Thanks to all.

  6. Thanks Spex... Your comments are appreciated.


    However, I do not feel that I am being impatient or unreasonable re: my concerns.


    It's not like I'm at 3 months or 4 months. I've waited patiently for 6 full months, without a post of concern, without bothering my doc, etc.


    Secondly, it's not like I'm concerned with the stoppage of growth after month 4 or 5 or the slowness in improvement. I'm concerned about no growth, no improvement.


    I'm still waiting commment from my doc. It's been 3 days now with no feedback. I'll let you know what he says.

  7. As promised, here is a side by side pic of 6 day post-op and exactly 6 month post-op. Not the greatest photos, but gives you an idea.


    The sparse hairs you see in the sixth month are hairs already had pre surgery (if not even less). The post op pic sort of gives you an idea of where new hairline was supposed to be.


    Again it was 2,400, close to 5,000 hairs to build only the frontal third. Expectations were conservative -- maintain receding hairline, filled in front, frame face, with hopes of propecia working on crown (where there is more hair).


    Thanks. -KK


  8. Hi

    Thanks to all for the support. It is a distressing time. I thought the difficult part was going through with the procedure. But this part is even harder.


    And it's sort of embarrassing... My wife, family and friends all know I've had a transplant. And while they don't say anything I can feel they're thinking "what the heck is going on?"


    I wasn't one to take pics but I did take a photo following procedure and then another yesterday. If you look side by side it's pretty scary. Certainly not something one would say, "Yep that's what I want for $10,000!"


    I'll post pictures today. As for surgeon, he's a coaliion doc and highly, highly recommended on this site. I don't want to mention his name yet, but if does not followup today, I'll post his name. That would give him over 72 hours to respond.


    Thanks again to all. And any other feedback is welcome.

  9. I'm at 6 months and have no growth to speak of.


    I had 2400 placed in the frontal third,close to 5,000 hairs.


    Is it possible that I'm just a late bloomer? Or is it more likely I am in for a huge dissapointment?


    I emailed my doc over weekend, but have yet to hear back.


    Any advice is appreciated.

  10. I'm at 6 months and have no growth to speak of.


    I had 2400 placed in the frontal third,close to 5,000 hairs.


    Is it possible that I'm just a late bloomer? Or is it more likely I am in for a huge dissapointment?


    I emailed my doc over weekend, but have yet to hear back.


    Any advice is appreciated.

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