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Everything posted by Mo

  1. Hello everyone, I'm a 30 y/o male who just had 1700 grafts placed around the crown of my head. Prior to the operation I had hair loss on the vertex region only (Ludwig classification). I had about a palm sized area which had become very thin and at the rate things were going would have been completely bald in a few years. However though this area was very thin, I used the remaining hairs well to do a decent cover up job. I had heard about shock loss and asked my doc specifically how much of my original hair would fall out and would it grow back ? He said some of it, not all, would be lost after the procedure and it would grow back along with the transplanted hair. Well I had the procedure done and 3 weeks post procedure the ALL OF THE EXISTING HAIR IN THE RECIPIENT AREA FELL OUT !!!!! Going bald is bad enough .. but going from decent coverage to nothing in a few weeks is a shocker for me. If there are any shock loss experts around I have a few questions - 1. Is my shock loss typical for those diffuse shedders who still have some hair in the recipient areas ? 2. Will these hairs grow back .. or were they on their way out any way and just got pushed out prematurely with the procedure ? 3. As a diffuse thinner with mostly crown lost should I have just used Finesteride + Minoxidil instead of having a transplant ?
  2. Hello everyone, I'm a 30 y/o male who just had 1700 grafts placed around the crown of my head. Prior to the operation I had hair loss on the vertex region only (Ludwig classification). I had about a palm sized area which had become very thin and at the rate things were going would have been completely bald in a few years. However though this area was very thin, I used the remaining hairs well to do a decent cover up job. I had heard about shock loss and asked my doc specifically how much of my original hair would fall out and would it grow back ? He said some of it, not all, would be lost after the procedure and it would grow back along with the transplanted hair. Well I had the procedure done and 3 weeks post procedure the ALL OF THE EXISTING HAIR IN THE RECIPIENT AREA FELL OUT !!!!! Going bald is bad enough .. but going from decent coverage to nothing in a few weeks is a shocker for me. If there are any shock loss experts around I have a few questions - 1. Is my shock loss typical for those diffuse shedders who still have some hair in the recipient areas ? 2. Will these hairs grow back .. or were they on their way out any way and just got pushed out prematurely with the procedure ? 3. As a diffuse thinner with mostly crown lost should I have just used Finesteride + Minoxidil instead of having a transplant ?
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