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Everything posted by mikey11

  1. I ordered Finpecia online through a canadian drugstore. I got 400 pills for $200 and all I needed was my doctors name and phone number. The suspicion with this drug unfortunately is if its a legitimate drug. Since its made in India. I am having a lab test it to see if it contains the proper amount of dosage. Once I receive this info I can repost to let you know.
  2. I had a hair transplant by Bosley in Seattle, WA about 9 months ago (1000 grafts) on the crown of my head. Since this procedure I have had minimal growth and still have visible scalp on the transplanted area. I know Bosley is not well respected on some boards but I do know poeple who have had successful results. My question would be doesnt sound like I am a rare case where translpants do not work or does it sound like it was it just an inadequate amount of transplants? I apologize I do not have before and after pictures. I am a little scared to get another transplant but I figure Ive had one and already have the scar I might as well give it one more shot. What are some of your thoughts?
  3. I had a hair transplant by Bosley in Seattle, WA about 9 months ago (1000 grafts) on the crown of my head. Since this procedure I have had minimal growth and still have visible scalp on the transplanted area. I know Bosley is not well respected on some boards but I do know poeple who have had successful results. My question would be doesnt sound like I am a rare case where translpants do not work or does it sound like it was it just an inadequate amount of transplants? I apologize I do not have before and after pictures. I am a little scared to get another transplant but I figure Ive had one and already have the scar I might as well give it one more shot. What are some of your thoughts?
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