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Posts posted by Mountinvan

  1. Melvin—say it is not so. Your humor, your patience, your keen insights, your expertise all is above and beyond. I know you are destined for new challenges, new opportunities but you brought sanity and reality and wisdom and integrity on a daily basis. I know you will be greatly successful in whatever you pursue. You will be missed. Don’t be a stranger to this Forum—you bring so much.

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  2. I have been using for years; it reduces inflammation, especially if you have dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis. The 2% is the way to go. After shampooing, my hair looks and feels thicker. But use sparingly as it can dry out scalp. You do need a script in US for 2%. Don't use if you have kidney issues. I am a fan if used sparingly. Will make your hair look great like Gatsby's. PS Gatsby, when is Eugenix going to pay for you to make a US sales tour? Come visit.

  3. Way too early to get concerned or to try to evaluate procedure. You are right that patience is the key—and for good reason. Growth rates vary considerably—there may be many hidden buds ready to sprout. I see growth and refinement even after a year—it may not be as dramatic as first 10 months but positive change is possible after that initial growth period. Everything is just speculation at this point and it will not change eventual outcome in any event. Relax and try to enjoy the ride.

  4. I suggest that we create Topics giving out our award (as Forum users) for different categories. The first category I propose is that for smallish procedures. Other possibilities include Low Norwoods, Hign Norwoods, Repair Cases, Best Hairlines, and Best Crown Work. If we get a robust discussion going, then those fit in the category will have a convenient place to go and compare. Nominations should be accompanied (if possible) with some links or pictures.

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  5. We have to realize the internet, like cable TV, can be full of manufactured and misleading information. While it has broadened our potential knowledge base, it can be manipulated and skewed. Pictures posted from one clinic may actually belong to another and so forth. It is important that the surgeon be independently evaluated rather than the clinic; that’s why the recommended list here is so useful. I would not play Russian roulette on which techs I might or might not get—or be swayed by some celebrity result that might be the result of an extraordinary experience meant to showcase a clinic’s very best. Go with the doctor that has been independently vetted and whose results are posted by actual patients.

  6. Mr Gatsby is dead on. Medication is definitely a consideration given that you will likely progress without it. The temporal recession along with the shedding should concern you enough to look at oral minix if you are scared of Fin sides. Topical is worth a try.  I would give your remaining hair a fighting chance to ward off the DHT demon.

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  7. I don't want to throw a wrench into your FUE plans, but have you considered FUT with Dr. K? After 2 passes with him, I can tell you NOONE ever thought I had an HT. I was absolutely able to hide it. Dr. K did a fabulous job. The first few days were a bit wonky because you could not shampoo and comb regularly. After about 10 days, I was totally able to hide it. It makes a difference probably to be a NW2 or NW3, as opposed to a balder NW level. I think you might get a better yield with a FUT--a bonus. I don't worry about the scar because he does such a good job on the incision. If you want to go stealth---go with Dr. K and do FUT.

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  8. I would recommend sticking with this Forum's recommended list. A botched HT can be a life-changing event that may be difficult or even impossible to fix. HTs are surgery and once done, it can be permanent (for good or for worse). Marketing hype can be faked, altered, and exaggerated. Pictures of operations may or may not be theirs. Why take the risk? The Forums' list has been vetted and verified. There are no doubt good clinics not on the list, but staying with the tried and true will give you a lot of peace of mind. This is not a field to try to find the outstanding outlier. They exist, but we don't have the toolbox to find them easily.

  9. It does look good from afar--and to be fair, it is not fully grown in. To the untrained (that be me) it looks like a line of hair was added but not feathered in with singles. I see the lack of irregularity, but some may say that is characteristic of a juvenile hairline, and some may actually prefer it; each to his own. My question is on the pitting--Melvin can you give more explanation so we will know it when we see it? By the way Brett, I think the procedure makes you look a few years younger and seems to have boosted your self-confidence which are what hair transplants are intended to do,



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