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New Real Hair Club Member

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  1. Propecia seemed to have caused Hypothyroidism in myself. My hairloss and symptoms were all similar to that of Hypthyroidism: diffuse hairloss, cold feet, fatigue, saggy old dry skin. I seem to be returning back to normal though. Hair, especially on my left side, is returning. However, i still get huge bouts of exhaustion during the later part of the day. I do not want to get treated for hypothyroidism, since I do not want to rely on medicine to keep me healthy for the rest of my days. So, hopefully I will eventually turn normal again. I think everyone on here who has had negative side-effects should get tested for low thyroid. Cause all the side-effects symptoms caused by propecia sound like symptoms of hypothyroidism.
  2. Anyone else get wrinkles from taking propecia? I have been noticing that I have been getting some pretty bad wrinkles around my eyes recently, wrinkles that have appeared within the last two months. I know for a fact, 4 months ago, before i was taking propecia, there were no signs of wrinkles.
  3. I can assure you I'm not "that other guy who wants us all to take blood test". I agree, I think I took the drug while I was not fully developed, and I think its gonna screw me up big time.
  4. Sorry, for sounding agitated, but as you can understand, I have been very stressed out lately. The only improvement I have seen off of propecia, is that my face is no longer oily, and I am no longer breaking out in pimples on my face. However, the receding of my hairline on the back and sides of my head is getting worse. I do not think I have any underlying condition b/c I went to the doctor in June for my yearly bloodwork, and my hormone levels were fine (but since I took Propecia for a month who knows what my hormone levels are like now). Also, I had some slight gynecomastia while I was on propecia but that seems to be fading as well. If the hair on my head is going to grow back, how long will it take till hair begins to sprout up from my scalp again? Atm, my hair just keeps getting thinner and thinner. Its really depressing. Im in school, and I have a 3.7 GPA at the moment, but because ive been so depressed this semester, I have been doing bad in most of my classes. I no longer go to class, I dont socialize much anymore. I dont see the point to it all. I feel exploited. I was exploited... and I'm angry. I am angry I did this to myself. I am angry I didn't research the drug b4 I took it. I'm angry none of these side-effects that I have experienced are listed by Propecia on their website or bottle. Once again, I'm sorry about sounding upset in my last post. I would rather not see a doctor. I have very little trust for them anymore, which is ironic since both of my parents are doctors. This experience has opened up their eyes, as well as mine, to the horrors of the Drug Industry. They have told me to just eat healthy and exercise and hope that everything comes back to normal. They seem much more optimistic than myself however. Right now I question my existence. I question my purpose. Is this another lesson I must learn in my travels up the path of life? Or is this an eternal curse that I must live with till my end days? If the later, I don't know how I will continue. I wanna leave this society, go somewhere new, somewhere without the cruelty of man. I feel mentally weak for being so effected by such symptoms, maybe its my decrease in testosterone that seems to be driving me to these conclusions. Whatever the reason, I just don't feel like myself any longer. I'm now old, sick and tired. I stare at myself and experience these feelings way too often.
  5. I guess the hairs on my legs, arms, chest, and pubic area were all miniaturized then...? The hair shedding I experienced was NOT NORMAL. Along with hair falling out all over my body, Propecia made TERMINAL hairs in the very back and side of my head fall out. It made the hairs that doctors would use as the donor hairs in hair transplants fall out. Its almost as if my hair line began to recede in the back and the sides.... and its quite bad. The hair on the back and sides of my head receded by about 2 to 3 inches. Propecia is a horrible drug. The drug has been made my Merck, the makers of Vioxx. Vioxx is a drug that had killed over 20,000 people by causing heart attacks. Merck only cares about profit, not the well-being of its customers. I recommend that everyone stop this drug. It is not natural, humans were not meant to mess with their bodies this way. Go bald, who gives a crap. Its better than turning yourself into a low-testosterone ridden depressed individual. (Finastride was actually used by these companies to chemically castrate men). Thousands of men have reported horrible symptoms from this drug. Why does no one know about this? Why didn't I know about this before I took it? This country is being destroyed by these exploitive companies. Look out for yourself, cause they don't give a hell about you. All i can hope for is that this drug has not permanently ruined my physiology. I can only hope that the hair on my back and side of my head stops receding and beings to grow back. I can only hope that I have not become sterile from taking this drug for a month when it was obviously causing me horrible bodily harm. Never again will I take a pill prescribed to me by a doctor for anything. It is not worth it. The risk of serious side effects is too great. The risk of ruining your life is too great. Eat health, stay in shape, and don't take these drugs. That is my recommendation to everyone.
  6. Propecia has screw messed me up. I thought my hair line was receding a little so a panicked and decided to take propecia. I am 19 year old male, (was) in good physical health, and was very self confident. Anyway, I started taking propecia and realized that a lot of hair was falling out, but I kept reading that this was normal. I also noticed an extreme loss of sex drive, as well as a difficulty in getting aroused. My face also became extremely oily and I began to break out in acne. Well, about 4 weeks into taking it, I realized that the hair on the sides and back of my head was receding tremendously (i did not realize earlier b/c I have long hair). I also noticed that hair all over my body had began to get thinner. So, long story short, I stopped taking this horrible drug in the beginning of october. Its been about 5-6 weeks since I stopped, and I realized my sex drive has mostly come back and i am no longer impotent, but new hairs on the side and back of my head do not seem to be growing as of yet... actually my hair seems to be thinning even more (but very slowly) on the back and sides. My question to you is, do you believe that the hair I lost due to this drug will eventually grow back to its normal density? Will my sex drive return to normal? or, have i completely fucked up my body for the rest of my life? Any tips on getting better, or anything you found that had worked for you will be greatly appreciated.
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